Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As I sit here ready to type these first few words in days, I feel the strong sense that there are so many of you out there who do not know how amazing you are.  I for one have never even imagined that I would ever be thought of as anything but ordinary.  But let me tell you right now, you are amazing!  No matter what storm you are going through in life, there is hope.  No matter how bad you feel about yourself, there is someone who loves you.  No matter how many lies you have listened to in the past, please understand this, you are amazing.  There is no one in the world quite like you.  You are unique!  You are a treasure!  You are precious!  You are amazing!  Way too often we look in our reflection in a mirror and we see every flaw, every pimple, every wrinkle and every fine line.  We notice the grey hairs and the worry lines.  We see the weight we need to lose or the unruly hair that we cannot control, no matter how many hair products we try.  We see everything that is wrong with our reflection and that is what we dwell on, right?  Oh I've done, still do occasionally, but let me tell you this truth that I have come to grasp, you are amazing!!  Okay maybe this sounds conceited to you but it's not.  This does not by any means mean that I am better than anyone else.  What this does mean is that you are special!  A one of a kind masterpiece.  

Maybe no one has ever told you that before.   Well today I am!   You are valuable and priceless!  Do not believe what others say about you, because jealousy and envy sometimes take over the words of other people.  Don't get defeated and depressed over the mistakes, the sins, the wrinkles or the pimples.  These are a fact of life but they do not have to define who you are.  Okay maybe you're not a super model, neither am I.  Okay maybe you're not super woman, neither am I.  Maybe you're just an ordinary stay at home mom, maybe you're a student with average grades, maybe you never went to college, maybe you aren't in a relationship with a significant other, but get this!  You are alive!  You are amazing!  You are the best you on this planet!  You don't need drugs or alcohol to lift up your spirits.  Sure they may numb those deep seeded feelings you keep hidden, but they don't get rid of those feelings, they just hide them for a while and eventually become magnified.  You don't need a man or a woman to make you feel special and loved.  I'll tell you what you do need, you need a Savior!

You see I was lost and broken.  I felt empty and ugly for many years until I met my Savior Jesus Christ.  You see He reached down into the pit I had fallen in and lifted me up.  He washed all my sins away and has given me a new life.  As I began to read the Bible, I came to fully understand who I am.    

Ephesians 2:10  For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. 
 Genesis 1:27  So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. 

Please get a hold of this today!  You are special!  You are amazing!  You have a Savior who loves you!  You have a Savior that died for you!  You may not be perfect in your own eyes, but in the eyes of God your heavenly Father, you are perfect!

May you come to know the truth of who you really are, a child of God!  May you fully understand how special and unique you are.  May the amazing love of Jesus Christ invade your heart so you can finally realize how amazing you are, in Jesus name I pray, amen!  

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...