Monday, October 13, 2014


Mat 14:27-31  But Jesus spoke to them at once. "Don't be afraid," He said. "Take courage. I am here!"  Then Peter called to Him, "Lord, if it's really You, tell me to come to You, walking on the water."  "Yes, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.  But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted.  Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. "You have so little faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt Me?" 

"Awe come on!  What do you have to lose? Just step out of that boat and walk on the water!  Give it a try, just give it a try!  For once, take a walk on the wild side with me."  Oh if we lived that courageously how different our lives would be.  Imagine the things we could accomplish, the places we could go, the things we would see if we just stepped out of that boat like Peter and actually tried to walk on the water.  I could walk across to the island in front of our home instead of swim there.  I know that sounds like no big deal, but for someone who doesn't swim very well, that would be amazing.  I could always drive the boat over, but that's too much work for just a little distance.  No walking on the water would be the perfect way to get there.  Can you imagine what it would be like to have that kind of faith?  That kind of belief?  What could we do in this world if we had that kind of faith and belief?   I feel like I live in the boat.  I don't want to rock the boat in fear it will tip the boat over, I don't want to get out of the boat because what if I sink?  I don't have faith in myself or belief that I can accomplish much of anything.  I never went to college, I never earned any type of degree, all I was for a majority of my life was a mom to 4 children.  Nothing major, nothing special.  I didn't know anything about Wallstreet, I'm not a salesman, I don't sew or knit, I'm not even a biblical scholar.  I'm a mom and now a meemaw (grandma).  What can I do to change the world?  I can't even swim good so I might as well stay in my comfy boat where I know I am safe and secure.  Sound familiar?

Truth is I am scared to get out of the boat, let alone even imagine trying to walk on water.  I mean I have faith in Jesus!  I know He can do amazing things.  I've read about all the miracles and I have even been a witness to miracles, but as for me I know my limitations.  Honestly I fear failure, so why even try.  Right?  After all who am I trying to kid?  I'm just little old me, nothing special, nothing unique, there is no way I could ever imagine even trying to stand up in a boat, let alone step out into the water to walk on it.  I'd be a fool.  Everyone would laugh at me.  Within an instant the video of me attempting to walk on water would be plastered all over "You Tube" and it would be an instant hit because it would be impossible and of course I would fail.  I would be the brunt of everyone's jokes, the talk of the town, and not for a good reason.  Humiliation would not describe accurately the feelings I would have after failing.   I would rather die than experience that so I will remain in this little comfy boat where at least I feel safe and secure.  After all wouldn't you?  I'm not the adventurous type.  

Wow!  That's about all I can say right now.  I so amazed that I have not faith and belief in Jesus.  If what I just said is true, how can I have any real faith or belief in Jesus.  After all I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  You see for years I have lived like this as I am sure many of you have also.  Fear cripples us.  The "what if" becomes so loud in our head that we end up missing out on so much of life because we're afraid to step up out of the boat and take a leap of faith.   To stay inside of the boat, may seem safe for a while, but eventually you have to get up and get out of the boat.  How boring would life be if we just sat around floating around in the boat?  People who get up and try to walk on the water will find out God's will for their life.  If we remain in the boat, we will never know what God can accomplish through us.   Sure we may fail, sure we may sink but one thing I know is that if we don't step out and try, we will never know what we can do with what we have been given. 

In my own power, I cannot walk on water.  It is only through the power and strength given to us through our faith and belief in Jesus Christ, that I can walk on the water.  Alright maybe not literally walk on water, but it is only through the power that dwells within me that I can write this blog.  This may not seem that adventurous to you, but for me it was a giant leap of faith.  It was huge and it was honestly very frightening.  But for the first time I stepped out of the boat and trusted in Jesus.  I told Him that I would do what I could and I allow Him to do the rest.  Who this blog touches, is in His hands.  Think for a moment of all that you are missing out on just because you're afraid to step out of the boat.  Think of the lives you could reach for Jesus if you just tried to step out in faith and belief in Jesus, not yourself.  Truthfully I can do nothing and I am nothing special.  But with the love of Jesus Christ inside of me I can accomplish the seemingly impossible.  Through Him I have all the powers of heaven in my hands.  Through Him I am able to walk on water and even though I may sink, He will always be there to lift me up.  He will do the same for you if you will only step out of the boat.  Will you?

Lord Jesus,  thank you for always being there to lift me up when I am sinking.  Help me to never give up stepping out of that boat.  Give me the strength and the power to walk on the water, when you call me to.  In your heavenly name I pray, amen!   

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