Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Luke 11:9  "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." 

As I journey through this life of mine, I come across many different types of people.  Oh our backgrounds may differ, our nationality may differ, our race may differ, our upbringing may differ and our feelings and emotions may differ.  In fact we differ in every single that matters, even our opinions, but one thing is certain of everyone I meet.  We are all desperately seeking something or someone who makes us feel complete and whole.  May we join committees thinking that will make us feel important, or we may take a high profile executive job, hoping that will complete us.  Some of us marry our "perfect" spouse praying they will complete us, only to find out the want the same from us.  We all want to be recognized and encouraged and loved.  We sometimes hop in the nearest bandwagon, hoping that will bring meaning to our life, only to find that wagon empty.  We search and we search and we search.  Time after time we come up empty handed and still desperately seeking something or someone to fill that emptiness we feel.    Some of us go out looking for anyone, it really doesn't matter who they are or what they are, we are just desperate and we grab the first human being who shows us a little attention.  Then we end up more wounded, hurt and empty than before.  

The streets and the bars are filled with people who are desperately seeking something or someone.   These people are our neighbors, our friends and maybe even our family members.  Maybe the person I am describing is you.  Maybe your life is filled with so much emptiness and despair that echos of emptiness call out to you in the middle of the night.  The expression on your face is all I need to see to recognize that feeling, that desperation.  I've seen it before.  It was staring back at me in the mirror one day.  Church seemed empty and meaningless.  My life seemed pointless and uneventful.  Friends?  Yea right!  I didn't have many friends, at least not many real friends.  I had Jerry (who is my best friend) and I had my children.  Oh I knew about God and I knew about Jesus.  In fact they were the most important people in my life, it's just that I was desperately seeking more.  I needed more of something because there was something missing in my life.  I just truthfully had no idea what I was missing.  I was a stay at home mom with no real job skills or no gifts or talents.  I felt like a nobody, at least nobody that important.  In fact at times I felt that the world would be better off without me.  I was confused and desperate, but I didn't know why. Then one day in church I heard a song that had been sing hundreds of times before.  Actually I hated this song.  It was always sung on way too high of a pitch for me and it just seemed sort of whiny.  But this time it was different.  It had a good beat and the words were different.  It was actually uplifting.  

As I sat there in my catholic church I heard a song by Chris Tomlin called "Amazing Grace"  His version rocked the very core of my being.  The words, the beat sunk right down into my soul and spoke to my heart.  That is what I had been seeking.  Jesus Christ.  Like I said I knew who He was, what He did for me and that He was my Savior.  BUT !!!  But I never surrendered my life to Him.  That was the missing piece of the puzzle, the missing link, that I had been desperately seeking for all of these years and I found it and Him through music.  You see I has asked and I had prayed for years for God to fill this void I felt with something.  I had prayed for a gift or a talent of any kind.  Something that may one day impact someone else's life.  Well I found what I had been searching for because I asked and I prayed for it.  I believed that someday, somehow, God would come through for me.  All that waiting and wondering was finally over.  As I sat in that catholic church, I did something that doesn't usually happen inside a catholic church, I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior.  I wish I had the guts to say it out loud, but I sat quietly next to my husband in silence and with tears running down my face, I found the someone I had been desperately seeking, Jesus Christ.

  You see because I knew about Him and loved Him, I didn't realize what I had been missing out on,  a relationship instead of a religion.  My friends Jesus will never make you accept Him.  you have a free will.  But if you continue to pray, if you believe, if you knock, He will open a door for you to a life filled with peace and joy and love and forgiveness.  No, life will not always be a rose garden, it may in fact get quite difficult, but knowing that you have a Savior who is looking out for you is very reassuring and comforting.    With all I have been through in my life, I still have a peace that surpasses all understanding, I have a love so deep that it is immeasurable.  If you are still seeking, look no farther for the search ends with Jesus Christ.  He is amazing love and unfathomable forgiveness.  Every day I wake up with a smile on my face and a beat in my heart that leaps for joy at the sound of His name, Jesus!  If this is the first time you have met Him, let me tell you a little more about Him,   Mountains tremble at His name, the earth quakes at the mention of His name and demons run when we call His name, Jesus.  A name above all names,  A name that which every knee on earth, in the heavens and below will bend. Jesus!

May you become desperate for more of Jesus.  May your heart skip a beat at the mere mention of His name.  May you feel the earth quake at sound of His name and may His love embrace you and surround today and everyday, in Jesus name I pray, amen!  

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