Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Romans 8:1-2  There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 

Today there is a party going on and you are invited.  This party is not just your ordinary, everyday, run of the mill party,  This is a celebration of your (and mine) life.  Confetti will fall from the sky,  balloons will be released, music will be played and there will a buffet of food the likes of which we have never seen before.  There will be dancing, there will be singing, there will be laughter.  and yes there may even be a few tears shed.  These tears will be tears of joy.  This party will last an eternity.  It will never stop and never slow down.  You may be wondering who this party is for?  Well isn't it obvious?  It's for you and I!  Why?  Who would throw a party for us?  We did nothing special, we did nothing to deserve this party.  In fact we don't feel like attending this party many times in our lives.  We are so burdened with guilt and condemnation that a party just seems too unbelievable.  We feel so undeserving, so unworthy that we cannot even begin to understand why there would be a party in our honor.  It just seems dumb.  Instead of enjoying this celebration in our honor, we avoid the crowd.  We sink into the background hoping no one will notice us.  But above all the noise and celebration, we hear our names called across the loud speaker.  "You have got to be kidding me!  This is ridiculous.  Why would they be calling my name?  What did I do now?"  The more we avoid it the louder our name sounds until suddenly the crowd parts and the noise becomes an eerie silence.  We hear our name again, and realize that God is approaching us.

As a deeper fear sets into our soul, every wrong we have ever done, every sin we have ever committed, every word spoken in anger, these thoughts and more come flooding back in our minds.  Memories fill the flood banks of our mind and we realize we are have been tricked here.  This really isn't a celebration, it's a trial.  It has to be!  He's God!  Judge and jury!  ready to sentence us for our life time of sins.  If he knows everything we have done, said and thought, we are doomed!  Go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00. (Sorry  it reminded me of Monopoly.) Anyway we know our ship has sunk, our future has been signed sealed and is now being delivered by God Himself.  Sweat begins to ooze from every pore in our body.  We drop to our knees and begin to cry a pool of tears.  Repentance is not a strong enough word for what we need to feel right now.  The guilt is overwhelming and the condemnation we feel is minor compared to what we know is coming.  God reaches down and lifts us up off our knees.  "Here it comes!"  We know what's coming.  God is going to rip us a new one!  We're finished!  We notice Jesus standing right behind Him, then we hear God begin to speak.

"My child, why are you so frightened?  Don't you know who I am?  Don't you recognize my son Jesus standing behind me?  Listen I know the thoughts that are ringing through your mind right now.  Yes I am a mind reader!  Listen, this party is for you!  Your past has been wiped clean.  Your sins were forgiven when you accepted my Son into your heart.  When you believed in my son Jesus, I forgave you for everything.  You have grown so much and changed so much.  I am proud of you!  You gave up your former way, you gave up catering to your flesh and you started to live through the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for believing. Thank you for allowing my Spirit to change you.  Now rise up and dry those tears away for you have been granted admission to a celebration for eternity in Heaven.  I have not, nor will I ever condemn you or fill you with guilt.  That my child is a lie from the devil.  My son came to give life and set the captives free.  He has set you free.  No condemnation!  No guilt!  You are free to join the party and celebrate this life my son died to give you.  Will you join us?"

Alright maybe this sounds a little corny but this is the truth.  Jesus did not come to condemn us or fill us with guilt.  When we become believers and accept Jesus as our Savior, our sins are forgiven and if we are truly believers, then we should have no condemnation and no guilt because we are doing our best to give up our fleshly desires and turning our lives around to desire more spiritual desires,  If you're living a life full of guilt and condemnation, I suggest you really take a look deep inside your heart.  Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?  No, is He really your Lord and Savior?  If not, then what's stopping you?  Accept Him today and give up that fleshly self that causes you and others so much pain.  Let Jesus Christ begin to transform you and rid you from guilt and condemnation.  Let him fill you with peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.  Let him fill you with a love so profound that it is hard to describe.   Believe!  Let go of the past and surrender.  Trust me you will never regret it.  

Jesus I believe that you are my Lord and Savior,  Forgive me of my sins and remove the guilt and condemnation that has ruled my life for far too long.  Set me free and remove the chains that drag me down.  I give you my life today.  Transform me into your image, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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