Friday, October 10, 2014


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8  To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:  A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted;  A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up;  A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance;  A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;  A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away;  A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace. 

Here in Michigan the leaves on the trees are changing colors.  Instead of green leaves, we now see visions of red and gold, crimson and orange, yellow and burgundy.  It is getting cooler now, our boat is in storage for the winter (sigh), the docks are out (boo) and there is a chill to the air.  Fall is upon us and it's time for the changing of the seasons.  Like the change of the guard at Buckingham Castle in England, the season of fall brings about new changes in life and the earth.  These beautiful leaves will soon turn to an ugly brown and the shrivel up and die.  Eventually the leaves will fall to the ground and the trees will become barren and lifeless.  Seasons come and go like the wind.  Sometimes these seasons come in with a whisper and sometimes they come in with a roar.  As sad as it is to say goodbye to summer, I love the color that fall brings.  I love the crisp nights and the smell of campfires burning.  Burning marshmallows fills the air and the sound of the geese return to the lake as they prepare for a journey down south to get out of here before winter hits.  Squirrels are gathering their nuts as people struggle to put away all the picnic tables and lounge chairs.   I love fall.  The change of seasons is one to behold.  It's like God has His paintbrush out painting each individual leaf.  It is breathtaking.  

Seasons, isn't there a song about seasons by The Byrds?  Ah yes there is!  It's called "Turn, Turn, Turn."  It's actually quite accurate when you look at the lyrics and then look at these verses from the Bible.  There is time and a season for everything in our life.  No these changes are not always the best, there not always what we wanted or expected but they happen for a purpose that we may never fully understand.  But with some of the hard changes in our life also comes new opportunities.  New growth, new lessons learned, new abilities to tackle and overcome can bring about a renewed strength and a fresh new start.  How we deal with the changes of the seasons in our lives will affect the outcome.  We can stomp our feet in protest and throw a temper tantrum (like a lot of us do, including me) or we can pull up our pants and tighten our belt and get on that horse and ride off in the sunset to a new adventure, a new season filled with endless possibilities.  Change can be hard especially if we are in our comfy little world filled with violets and daffodils.  That "All is right with the world" attitude that makes us feel so comfortable and safe.  Then "BAM!" a change in the seasons.  Whether we lose a loved one, lose our job, move, or health problems arise, these changes can bring about fear and stress if we let it.  That's the key!

Listen, change is hard!  we all know that.  Last year when Jerry and I moved, I was afraid of only one thing.  I knew we were only a hour away from our children, not a problem.  I knew that work was not a problem either with the technology we have now days.  I was very concerned if we would find a church.  You see we went to this amazing church in Toledo that reached many lost and broken people.  I was finally comfortable there and we were involved in many different ministries.  I loved the music there and the teachings so to find a church up here that even matched that seemed difficult.  But God had a plan!  He lined up a new church for us, a new season of adventure in a church that is smaller than the one we went to.  The thing is, we have learned so much more at this new church.  We have a deeper walk with God and we have met so many fabulous people here that I am amazed. I am in a women's prayer group and Bible study.  I felt so welcome here the moment we walked in that I was a little amazed.  One of the elders of the church came up and introduced himself within the first few weeks of us being there.  Yes, this new season in Jerry and I's life was a little scary, but it has taken us to levels we never imagined.  My walk with Jesus has been strengthened and renewed in this church.  Often I leave with tears in my eyes because of the spirited filled pastors in this church.  God had a better plan and a new season of adventure for us.  I am so glad we listened to Him.

You see try as we may, we can fight and fight the changes in our lives, but honestly that doesn't work because without change, without a new season, life becomes stagnant and dull.  With every new season and every new change, God brings into the adventure He has planned for me.  It is amazing to walk beside God on this journey He has me on.  To have my husband on the other side also is simply amazing.  Not too many men would put up with my quirkiness as Jerry does, so I appreciate him being with me on this journey into a new season in life.  I am so grateful God placed us together because I could never picture my life without Jerry by my side.  Yes seasons bring about many changes, but the things that will never change is my love for God, my belief in Jesus Christ and my love for Jerry!  

May the seasons of change bring about a renewed strength and a brighter future for you.  May the seasons in life give you wisdom and knowledge.  May God lead you into a new season filled with hope, peace, love and joy, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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