Friday, February 20, 2015


Peace be with you?  Is peace with us?  Do we have peace?  Do we know what peace even looks like or feels like?  Is our life peaceful or stressful?  These are questions we really need to ask ourselves and honestly answer.   Anger, rage, jealousy, envy, bitterness, hatred, greed, are just some of the emotions that can give us a clue as to whether we have peace or not.  For us to answer these questions honestly we have search our hearts.  So let's begin.

These next questions are ones I ask myself quite often;  Am I happy for my friend who got a brand new home, when I a living in a dinky home that is overcrowded?  Am I okay that my co worker got the promotion I wanted?  Am I praying for that man who just cut me off in traffic, praying he gets where he needs to be safely since he is in such a hurry?  Do I forgive my friend who said some rather mean things about me?   Do I treat all people as equals, or are some better than others?  Do I realize that when I am pointing my finger in judgement that there are 3 other fingers pointing back at me?

I know, OUCH!!  To me these questions tend to clarify whether I am truly at peace or not.  For me as a believer, I must have peace.  I'm not talking about laziness and not doing anything.  What I am talking about is a peace that I will do whatever I can and then I relax and trust in God with a peace knowing that He will work it all out for my good.  

So I didn't get the job promotion.  Maybe that would have added too much stress into my life and after all God may have a better job for me.  Maybe I don't have a new home or as big a home as my friend, that's okay.  After all she has to clean it now.  Maybe it was rude for that man to cut me off in traffic but maybe he's rushing to the hospital to witness the birth of his child.  Maybe it wasn't nice for my friend to say those things about me, but it wasn't nice for me to say those things about her I said also.  Maybe that couple is living together before they get married, but I know I'm not perfect and I have sinned also.  

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Why do we struggle to find peace?  Why is it so hard for us to realize that we already have peace?  That's right we already have peace.  You see as a believer in Jesus Christ, this verse states it clearly, Jesus left us with peace,  We already have it, we just need to activate it.  So why don't we?

Control!!!!  We do not want to give up control.  If we give up control, we know we will find the peace that Jesus Christ gave us, but if we give up control that means we have lost control.  Scary?  For some of us.  But if we truly believe and have faith in Jesus Christ, than we have to realize He has our best interest at heart.  He loves us and yes we will go through storms and trials, but we have to have peace knowing He will work it all out for our good.  If we don't believe that, then that is when we don't have peace.  

Our hearts should not be troubled or afraid.  I know easier said than done, but it's true.  If we were living like we are supposed to, with peace, than we wouldn't be so stressed out.  There would be less heart attacks.  There would be less sickness and diseases.  There would be less high blood pressure. Life would be so much more fulfilling and happier.  

You have peace  It's inside of you given to you by your Savior, Jesus Christ.  Claim it today!  Take a hold of it today!   Give up control and release the trouble from your heart today.  Don't live afraid.  
Peace is yours!

Lord thank you for the peace you have given me.  Help to surrender control and the stress from my life so that I can rid my heart of the trouble and fear that invades it.  Today I chose peace.  In Jesus name I pray, amen


1 comment:

  1. Thought-provoking post. I can definitely say that I do not have peace but I am trying my best to stand on His Word and rid myself of the fear, stress, and worry that the various problems in my life has brought with them. Thanks for sharing.



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