Thursday, February 12, 2015


Let's start a love revolution!  Come on and join me in sharing God's love everywhere we go and with everyone we meet.  Could you just imagine what that would feel like?  Can you picture what that would look like?  Can you imagine how much this love revolution would change the world?  No more wars, just love and acceptance and peace.  No more bickering and fighting and arguing, just compassion, understanding and love.  

What would a love revolution look like and sound like?  Well we can start off simple by just smiling at everyone we meet.   How about bringing in our neighbors trash can instead of letting it blow all over the street.  Or we could simply place our grocery cart in the provided stall or bring it back in the store instead of just putting it wherever and letting it scratch and dent someone else's car.  Maybe we could give a waitress a 20% tip instead of a 10% tip.  I know we could pay for someone else's meal at a restaurant.  We could hold a door open for the person coming in behind us.  We could let someone take cuts at the grocery store who seems to be in a hurry.  Maybe we could start to say please and thank you again.  Instead of finger pointing and whispering behind someone's back, we could walk up to them and ask them if they would like some help.  

Think about it for a moment.  Whose life could you change just by being a loving, caring, kind person?  Whose day could you brighten just by smiling?  Whose heart would leap with joy to hear one simple thank you?  Who needs to experience the love, acceptance and mercy from you today?  Who needs to feel God's presence from you today?

If we are truly Christians, then why don't we act like it?  Stop all the stupid finger pointing!  Stop all the dumb judgemental attitudes!  Stop all the whining and complaining!  Stop all the jealousy and envy! Stop all the anger and rage!  Stop all the selfishness and greed!  Stop acting like the devil!

As Christians, as believers, we are called to a higher standard, we are to behave in ways that Jesus Christ would, yet we don't even come close.  We can be the mist righteous, judgemental, condemning people on this Earth.  Am I right?  I know I am because I can be like this at times.  But I shouldn't be.  That is why I am calling for a love revolution.  

Ephesians 5:1-2  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 

Walk in love!

I know we can do it IF we are truly believers!  We are called and directed to walk in love the way Jesus did!  I know it's not as easy as it seems but we need to.  Not under our own power but under the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us.  We cannot do this love thing alone, we have to join together and trust God will give us the wisdom, the strength, the power and the love we need to complete this mission.  

Do you see that pregnant waitress who has been on her feet for 8 hours?   Do you see that homeless man on the street corner?  Do you see that mother struggling to grocery shop with her children?  Do you see that elderly gentleman who has to put a few groceries back because he doesn't have enough?  Do you see the mother in the hospital with her cancer stricken baby girl?  Do you see that father working 2 or 3 jobs trying to feed his family?  Do you see that teenage boy walking into danger?  Do you see that teenage girl headed for trouble?  Well do you see these people?  Or do we just walk by and say a prayer for them?

Maybe we are their answer?  Maybe God sent us as an answer to their prayer.  Maybe we are their only hope.  Maybe we are the only one who can show them the love of their heavenly Father?  

So, let's start a love revolution,  Let's begin by making a difference in just one person's life today.  Sound good?

Lord, help me to walk in love the way Jesus did when He lived on this Earth.  Help me to be an imitator of you.  Help me to make a difference in just one persons life today, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We have such power through Love. I wrote a post earlier this week about a Valentine for Sinners... offering a new type of love to others so that our lives and actions aren't stumbling blocks for people's faith, but stepping stones. What good is it if we see someone suffering and say, "Be well," but do nothing about it. I'm with you, sister!



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