Tuesday, February 10, 2015


My mom has taught me many lessons over my lifetime, but one I have recently learned spoke volumes to my heart.   She has lived in this home for 30 years.  As I look around I see pictures and vases and statues from the home I grew up in back in Michigan.  As I open the cupboards I find pots and pans that she used back in Michigan.  Glasses they received on their wedding, 60 years ago, still are being used.  On the bed I am sleeping on is a bedspread that was in my sisters bed back home.  

I am amazed!!!  She has beautiful things she has had for 30 - 60 years.  She has taken great care to take care of the things God has given her.  She appreciates them and is content with what she has.  I look into my heart and wonder am I content?

Lets be honest, now days we replace our cell phones every 2 years, we buy new furniture every 10 years or so.  We are in such a hurry that we race through our chores and break glasses and plates, we don't stop to think abut it because we know we can just go out to the store and replace those things.  In this fast pace world we live in we want more, we want bigger, we want better, we want more.  When we hear the world content, to us that means we are settling for less we deserve.  

Okay wake up call for me!!!   I need to learn to be content.  My mom is an inspiration to me.  She is happy where she is, with what she has, she is content!  

When I listen to people talk, they never seem satisfied or content.  "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".  This saying says so much about how most of us live our life, how sad.  How many divorces have occurred because of looking for someone better?  How many foreclosures have happened because we weren't satisfied with our current home?  Credit cards, how much debt do we have because we don't know how to be satisfied or content?

Philippians 4:11-12  Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances.  I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. 

Jesus Christ wants us to learn to live our life content and satisfied.  If we cannot be happy and grateful with what we currently have why should we ever have anything more?  Content and satisfied does not mean settling.  It means loving your life where you are and being grateful for the blessing we have.  

My contentment and satisfaction rests in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He is all I need to live my life happy!  No matter what my current circumstances are, I am happy!  I have learned through this life that nothing and no one can make me happy or content, it's up to me to find my happiness and contentment and I found that in Jesus Christ.  

    I have lived on welfare and foodstamps, and I have had enough money to buy what I wanted, but through it all I found contentment.  I am grateful for all that I have and I am content with the life God has given me.  Contentment has nothing to do with settling, it has everything to do with being grateful for where you are and what you have.  Taking care of what God has given you brings contentment and satisfaction.  

God, today I choose to live my life content and satisfied.  Thank you for the blessings in my life and thank you for the example I have learned through my mom.  In Jesus name I pray, amen!


  1. Thanks Debra for sharing about the real meaning of contentment. Like you, I have found Christ to be the only way I am able to find long lasting happiness and true joy. I enjoyed hearing about your mom and how she has been an inspiration in your life. My mom turns 86 this year and I have been blessed for the opportunity God has given me over the past several years in spending time with her.

  2. Great post. Very encouraging!



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