Monday, November 10, 2014


What would it be free?  I know what you are saying; "I am free!  I live in America!  I am free!"  My question is are you truly free?  Do you live your life full of worry?  Even if you worry just a little bit, you are not free.  Do you live your life full of guilt from the past?  If that is so, then you are not free.  Are your thoughts filled with regrets?  If so, then you are not free.  Are your words filled with anger and pointing out other peoples faults?  That is not what being truly free sounds like.  Living in a country that is free from tyranny and governmental interference has nothing to do with the freedom I am talking about.  I totally understand that our soldiers have fought and died for the freedom we have here in America and I am so grateful for their sacrifice.  But the free that I am discussing today goes much deeper.

You see I have discovered a sense of free that not many people have.  The free I am living has freed me from guilt and condemnation.  I learn from my sins and mistakes, then I move on, dwelling on them no more. This free has removed my anger and replaced it with love and forgiveness.  Living free as I do now, has cleared me of  a life of worry and regrets.  I know that all things, even the bad, will work out for my good eventually.  My words are (for the most part) filled with love and peace.  Yes I am human and I still stumble into the past old self, but I have learned so much about myself through this freedom I have found, that I no longer stay in my old self for long.  What would take me days and weeks to get over, now only takes me minutes or maybe a few hours.  I wish I could explain in words the free I feel.  All my burdens, all my troubles, all my worries have been lifted off of me.

John 8:31-32  Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am free!  The truth about Jesus Christ has set me free from the lies of Satan.  I have a sense of peace so deep and profound that it is hard for me to put into words.  I used to listen to and dwell on the lies of Satan.  I used to let the words of others and my past define who I was.  But now I know the truth!  My past cannot define who I am today!  Words from others will not derail me from the truth of my Savior.  Because I believe in Him, because I truly believe in Him not only with my words but with my actions, He has lifted every worry, every concern and every sin.  He has replaced my anger with forgiveness, He has replaced my regrets and guilt with acceptance and love.  He has removed the words others try to hurt me with His words that tell me how important I am to Him.   He has lifted me up and removed my burdens.  He has cleared the past garbage and washed me clean.  I am free!  The truth of Jesus Christ has set me free!  It can set you free also.

May the love of Jesus Christ set you free from your past and may His mercy and grace free you from all worry and condemnation.  May the lies of Satan never penetrate the freedom you have in Jesus Christ, in His holy name I pray, amen! 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. He paid the price of our Spiritual freedom.



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