Monday, November 17, 2014


Revelation 22:12-13  "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

If we got paid back for everything we did, good or bad, what would that look like?  What feeling would we have to admit?  What actions would we have to admit to, good or bad?  What blame would we honestly admit?  As I look at this verse I am overwhelmed.  If I have to pay for everything I did wrong, than surely death is my sentance.  I get paid for what I have done right, I am afraid my paycheck would not be as big as I would hope.  If we all lived this way, thinking we would get paid back for what we have done or said, would that change the way talk?  Would that change the way we live?  Would that change our actions?  Oh I know mine would.  I would stop and think twice about what I was going to say or do.  I would learn to shut my mouth.  I would stop sitting on the sidelines and get into the game of life.  I would pray more and criticize less.  I would serve more and help others more.  So why don't I live this way?

We are humans and because of this we fight a minute by minute battle with Satan.  He twists this verse around to make us think we have to do a list of good deeds to get into God's good graces.  For him, if we believe all we need to do is good works to get to heaven, then he is happy. He doesn't want us to believe in Jesus, just good works. You see the paycheck Jesus has for us who believe in Him is enormous.  He already paid the price for our sins and our failings.  There is no debt to be paid, because Jesus already paid that debt for us on the cross.  Our debt has been paid in full!  So when Jesus comes, and He is coming, He is bringing all us believers a reward for believing in Him.  Our reward is eternal life in Heaven.  We get to eternally spend our days basking in the presence of our heavenly Father.  How amazing is that?

I know some of you don't believe there is a God.  Science has not proven His existence.  Well lets be honest they haven't disproven it either.  Listen I do not need a list of scientific facts to prove to me there is a God.  I do not need proof that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  I believe in God and I believe in His only Son Jesus Christ!  I have chosen to live for Jesus Christ!  By believing what I believe, I do not have to do good deeds, I chose to do them because I want to be like Him who loved me first!  

Jesus Christ is my Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last!  My choice, my faith, my belief!  I have seen His miracles and I have seen Him move mountains!  I have been given the gift of His Holy Spirit which has transformed me into a better person.  His story and history and I get to play a little part in it.  Jesus will tell His story through me and I am grateful.  I am so grateful I do not have pay the price for all my sins and failings.  That price would be way to extreme.  Until Jesus comes, I will be doing what I can and paying close attention to my words.  When I meet Him face to face, I want to hear, "Well done my faithful servant.  Enter into the kingdom of God."

Lord, thank you for paying the price for my sins.  I wait patiently for the reward you have promised me but until then help me to live to serve others, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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