Friday, November 7, 2014


2 years ago

John 15:13  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. 

As I sit here contemplating this verse I try to grasp the true meaning of this verse.  I think of the soldiers who lay down their life for their country, I think about police and fireman who risk their lives every day to keep us safe.  These people are heroes to me.  They think about others first and themselves last.  They fulfill the true meaning of this Bible verse.  But friends there is another person I think about when I think about my list of heroes, my husband Jerry.  You see 2 years ago today my husband Jerry did something that none of us would ever dream of doing for a friend, he donated one of his kidneys to a clients son, who has become a close friend.  Matthew is just about the same age as our son, Sean.  When Jerry heard that Matthew was on dialysis and not doing good.  He stepped up and volunteered to see if he would be a match. After almost 6 months of testing the surgery was set.   I knew what Jerry was doing was nice, but I never understood the impact it had until we checked into the hospital that day.  We were greeted not only by Matthews parents, but his grandparents and brother and aunts and uncles and friends.  They had tears in their eyes and gratitude poured from their hearts like the tears running down their faces.  I have never seen not felt, such heart felt gratitude in my life.  

You see Matthew was born with difficulties. By the time he was 3 years old he had 30 surgeries.  He had a liver transplant when he was a baby.  His entire life consisted of hospitals, doctors and medicines.  He never really knew what a normal life was.  Before this surgery he had been on dialysis 3 days a week.  Think about a 24 year old who spends hours at a hospital, not working, but just sitting there watching his blood be filtered by a machine.  He took 28 different medications and life was not anywhere close to normal for Matthew.  Instead of hanging out with his buddies, going out to bars and having a good time, he spent his time exhausted and run down.  Vacations were a fantasy because of all his health issues.   Matthew couldn't work and had no energy too. When Jerry talked with Matthews dad in March of 2012 and told him what was going on, Jerry thought about our son, Sean and all the fun he was having and he knew that he had to at least try.

Matthew now has a normal life.  He has a job, a girlfriend, he has gone on vacation to Florida and he rides his motorcycle.  The most amazing part of this is that he only takes 2 medications now.  He has gained weight and is healthy.  For us normal folks that doesn't seem important but for Matthew it's a miracle.  You see that is my husband is my hero.  He didn't have to do this, but he did.  He endured 7 hours of surgery and weeks of recovery because he took this verse literally.  He stepped out and stepped up.  Last night we met again to celebrate life and Matthew looks amazing!  I praise God for this miracle of life that Jerry has given Matthew.  It amazes me that something as simple as a kidney could make such a big difference, but it did.

My number one ultimate hero is Jesus Christ.  You see, when our Savior said those words, He knew that He would be laying down His own life for you and I.  He sacrificed Himself so that we could have the gift of eternal life.  I am blown away by this fact and could easily sink into a pool of tears because of what He did for me.  I could also easily be brought to a pool of tears by what my husband did.  I get it!  Lay down one's life for a friend!  I truly believe this verse because I believe what Jesus did for me.  To have such love and such unselfishness is amazing.  My friends, could you imagine what this world would look like if we all lived like this?   Listen if you don't believe in Jesus, that's okay because He still believes in you!  In fact He is still waiting for you with open arms.  He doesn't care what you used to do or how many sins you've committed.  What He does care about is that you have the chance to live in eternity with Him.  He laid down His life for you whether you believe it or not.   

Lord, thank you for the gift of eternal life.  Thank you for healing Matthew.  Please help us learn to true meaning behind the verse, laying down our lives for our friends.  In Jesus name I pray, amen!    


  1. Thanks for sharing this! I am so glad for Matthew.

  2. Wow! Just wow! Thank you for sharing and yes, I had tears too.



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