Monday, November 24, 2014


Ephesians 4:31-32  Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you

Anger, it is one of those emotions we don't like to admit we have, or at least some of us don't like to admit we have anger issues.  Then there are others out there who wear their anger like a badge if honor.  They yell and scream at everyone who is in their way.  Their face resembles this bear.  They growl and pounce in anyone and everyone.  Know anyone like that?  I do.  Lets be honest here, we all know someone like that.  Their life is one constant struggle, one constant battle, they are never happy and nothing ever goes right.  The amazing thing is, it is always someone elses fault. God forbid your opinion is different than theirs.  God forbid something good happen to you and not them.  Like I said I know people like this.  You have to walk around on egg shells being careful not to offend them.  You have to chose your words carefully or better yet, just keep your mouth shut.  You can't really have  relationship with them because to be honest, you can't stand them.  People like this are miserable and they want to make everyone else miserable. The sad thing is some of these people are sitting in church pews every Sunday.  Really?  

Why are some people so angry?  I have a hard time understanding why some people seem so angry all the time.  Oh don't get me wrong, I am not perfect, I do get angry when someone pushes my children or grandchildren around.  Then I can become like this bear, but for the most part, I tend to try to see inside of what is happening and why.  People are so unhappy with their own lives and they feel the need to get vent, so the next person they come across gets body slammed by angry words and spit as they spew their venomous words our way.  Occasionally it may become physical, and that my friend is when it gets way out of hand.  Our words and our fists were not created for anger, but for love.  Is there a place for anger? Yes, but not the way some of us handle anger.  

Look at the way Jesus handled anger.  He was calm and spoke His mind.  Jesus had a righteous anger when people were being mistreated especially by the religious leaders of His time. His angriest moment was when He walked into the Temple, His Fathers house and saw people selling sheep and goats and other necessities that they needed to worship God.  Then He turned over the money changers table and raised a ruckus.  We do need to some anger over the horrible things that is happening in the world today, but yelling and screaming and throwing fists is not the way.  We need to learn to be patient and kind.  We need to learn to forgive those who hurt us and let it go.  Do I seem sort of callous in my remarks?  Sorry if I do.  I'm just a little fed up with people who always seem angry.

Do you avoid family celebrations because of something someone said to you a year or 2 ago?  Do you stay away from people just because they didn't treat you they way you wanted them to?  Women are notorious for this.   We hold grudges for years and never let it go.  We bring it up every time someone talks to us about getting together with that person again.   That anger resurfaces again and we relive that moment all over.  Really?  "Do you remember what she said to me at her wedding?"   Why do we do this?  I'm sorry but it's dumb.  We miss out on so much by clinging to these stupid anger issues and it keeps us from so much joy.  If you are angry, look in the mirror!  You are the reason you are angry!  No one can make you angry!  No one can be to blame for your anger but yourself.  Get over yourself!  Let it go and feel the joy in your heart come back!  For those of you who deal with angry people, do not let them steal your joy!

May anger never separate us from the love of Jesus Christ.  May anger never keep us from family and friends.  May your life be filled with peace and joy, in Jesus name I pray, amen!  

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