Wednesday, September 17, 2014


John 8:54  Jesus replied, "If I bring glory to myself, my glory means nothing. You claim that my Father is your God. He is the one who brings glory to me. 

I'm sorry did that question sound confusing?  Did it not make sense?  Life sometimes doesn't make sense.  Ever notice that?  Am I the only one who sits and scratches her head wondering what in the heck some people were thinking when they do the things that they do?   That happens to me quite often.  I love to try to figure out why people do the things they do.  What happened to them to make them think it was okay to do what they did?  Were they dropped on their heads as infants?  I'm sorry that didn't sound right, but it's so true.  "You Tube" is full of pranks and stupid stuff people do.  There are some that think it is funny to do some very dumb things and then video tape it and put it out there on the internet for everyone to see.  Really?   Are people that bored that they entertain themselves by doing these things?  I sit and try to figure out what reason people have in their brain that causes them to think that what they are doing is okay.  I love to try to figure out why people react to things a certain way.  I love to try to discover the truth that is hidden behind all these silly and sometimes scary things people do.  

Why?  Do people really have such a deep seeded desire to be noticed that they do whatever they can to acquire the notoriety they long for?  I mean I totally understand the need for attention.  I think that there are a lot of people who crave attention.  They may not realize it, they may not want to admit it, but the reality of what they are doing, screams 
 In this busy world parents are both working to make a living.  Children are sometimes left alone or with a baby sitter so that mom and dad can work.  Family time is rare and if families do gather it's usually around a TV screen.  Our faces are often hidden behind our cell phones.  Instead of talking face to face, we text.  Our filters of what is acceptable behavior has changed.  Manners and being polite are a thing of the past.  Instead of doing something just because, there has to be a reason or a cause.  Growing up I would never dare do some of the things they now video tape.  I'm mean really is it really so funny to do something that ends up hurting someone else?  Do we really need that much attention?  I mean yes, some of the stuff is very entertaining and funny, but some of the things we do that end up causing harm to someone else whether physically or emotionally is just odd.  I just don't get it, do you?

I scratch my head and wonder whatcha doing what you're doing for?  I am an attention hoard.  I admit it!  I love attention, I love to be noticed for what I am doing and who I am.  That is why this fascinates me so much.  I was the baby of the family. I should have had everyones attention, but when i needed it most, my older brother and sister were causing too much trouble for me to be noticed.  At least that's what I thought because I was always sent to my room when my parents had to talk with them.  I was never in on the conversations and my mom was always worried about them.  She prayed so many prayers and so many rosaries when they were growing up (and I'm sure she did for me to, I was just out so I didn't notice).  I can get sucked into reality shows and even the news sometimes as I sit and try to figure out why so and so did such and such.  What is the reason behind a person's actions and words?  What caused them to want the attention they are seeking?  I crave the need for attention and I struggle with fighting this need, because it is something I don't want anymore, yet it is still there like a thorn in my flesh.  I want so badly to do things for the right reason now.  Not to be noticed, not to get attention, but for the Glory of God!

I totally get it now, I just wish this thorn would disappear, but I have this thorn for a reason,  Maybe that is part of my purpose in life, to try to convince others and myself to only do things that bring Glory to God.  I have to work very hard at doing things for the right reasons.  I have to sit and think about why I want to do what I want to do.  Who will get the glory for what I do?  I don't want to do things for me any longer.  When I stop and think about what God has done for me, I am totally amazed.  In my selfish need for attention, He still loves me.  He knows my heart and I am a work in progress.  No matter how proud of myself I am, He could instantly humble me, yet He doesn't.  I want to do things and say things that bring Him glory.  I don't need awards or trophies, I need more of God.  It is His attention I must seek, His love and His guidance as I struggle with this need for attention.    He is the only one who can help me with this and so I sit and scratch my head as God once again reminds of this with this verse.   Why we do the things we do?  Only God knows the deep, dark reasons.  Only He can use our struggles for His Glory and if we allow Him.  He can use this thorn in my flesh to help others, so if you struggle like me, let me know and I will pray for you.

May the things we do and the things we say bring Glory to God.  May the attention we seek be the attention we need from God.  May God never remove this thorn in my flesh, may He use it for His glory, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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