Friday, August 8, 2014


Joshua 24:15b "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 

Jesus Christ has rocked my world! He is the solid rock foundation that I have built my life on.  You may not believe in Him and that is your choice but before you stop reading this, before you decide that I am a freak let me explain to you how He changed my life.  I was a lost soul wondering around in the wilderness.  I was searching for something or someone to fill the void in my heart.  I was longing for someone to love me and accept me for who I was.  I was hunting for a peace that I could not find. When I was younger I would watch my mother pace the floor in worry with her rosary in on hand and the other hand was busy stoking the beads as she repeated those prayers over and over and over again.  I didn't want to live like that.   I wanted to believe in something, I wanted to believe that somewhere out there in the vast universe there was a power bigger than me who could take away my worries.   I wanted to believe that there was a higher power that had a plan for my life.  There had to be a reason for my life, there had to be a purpose, there had to be a plan.  I just couldn't find it on my own.  I felt lost and empty.  

I heard about God and I heard about Jesus in school and in church on Sundays.  I knew who Jesus was and what He did for me, but I was still missing something, faith.  Okay I know some of you out there is ready to shut off this letter and runaway from this truth but I challenge you to keep on reading, please.  Faith is something we all have and use.  You have faith that each morning you will wake up and the sun will be shining.  You have faith that there will be enough oxygen to keep you breathing, even if you can't see it, you know it's there because you're breathing still.  You have faith that the Law of Gravity still works and it will keep that plane flying in the air, even though you don't see it, you didn't crash.  You have faith that there will be a cool breeze on a hot summer's night, even though you cannot see the breeze, you feel it.  You have faith that when you step on the brakes of your car, it will stop, even though you cannot see the brakes working, you feel the car stop.  You have faith that the doctors will heal your cancer, even though you cannot see the chemotherapy, you feel it flowing through you.  You have faith for so many things in life, is it really so far fetched to believe that the Son of God was sent to Earth to die for your sins?

I totally understand that you may have doubts and reservations about what I am saying but I beg you to seriously think about this.  When I first met Jesus Christ face to face I was dumbstruck and overwhelmed.  My entire life with all it's challenges, tests, and trials all became crystal clear.  I finally understood why I was created the way I am.  I finally got it!  I used to fight who I was.  I wanted to change me because I didn't like me.   I don't have a soft, feminine voice, I am not petite or graceful.  I was never happy or confident with who I was.  I wanted a life transplant and a body transplant.  If there was a God, He royally screwed up when He made me.  Then I met Jesus Christ face to face and my life, my attitude and I changed.  I didn't change a thing about myself, He changed me from the inside out.  I found a peace so deep and profound that I cannot explain it.  I found an unconditional love and acceptance so wide that it still brings tears to my eyes.  I found a forgiveness so vast that I am totally undeserving.   I have found a faith so strong that I know any obstacle placed in the path of my life, I can overcome.  I wish I could explain to you the difference Jesus Christ has made in me and my life.   Because of Him I now understand why I was created the way I am.  I was made to write and speak above the skeptics in life.  I was created to reach the lost and broken of this world, I was made to write for you! 

Jesus Christ is my Savior, my rock.  My faith in Him runs very deep.  I will serve Him all the days of my life.  I will continue to do this blog and try to reach out to those who don't believe.  I know it can seem hard to believe in something you can't see, but if you can believe in the wind without seeing you, you can believe in Jesus Christ.   You see, I don't see Him, but I feel His presence with me everywhere I go.  I know He has angels watching over me, protecting me and guiding me.  I feel His love and sense His watchful eyes watching out for impending danger.  I will not runaway from Him, I will not hide from Him and I will never deny Him.  I have been changed forever by His amazing love.  Yes I am a Jesus Freak!  How could I not be?  Because of Him I have no worries, no cares and no stress.  I am loved and accepted beyond my comprehension.  I live a very blessed life and I walk in the favor of Jesus Christ, all because I believed.  I am so grateful that I let Him into my heart and into my life.  Won't you open your mind and you heart to Jesus Christ today?  Please message me privately if you want to know how to accept Jesus Christ into your heart today.  God Bless You!

May the love and peace of Jesus Christ invade your heart and mind today.  May His grace rain over you today and shower you with blessings.  May you walk in the favor of God today and everyday, in Jesus name I pray, amen.  

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...