Monday, August 25, 2014


John 1:14 The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.

I love The Message Bible.   It is so simple sometimes to grasp God's when I read this version.  whether you like The Message Bible or not, it states it very clear, Jesus moved into the neighborhood.  Other versions say "dwelt among us", same thing just said differently because when someone dwells among us, they have moved into our neighborhood.   Can you imagine how our behavior would change?  Can you imagine how our words would change?  Can you imagine how our lives would change if Jesus moved into our neighborhood?  Seriously, think about that for a moment.  Our lives would change for sure.  For some of us it would be a drastic change, others maybe a slight change and maybe others would move out.   It may seem sort of illogical for us to imagine that Jesus would live in our neighborhood, maybe even the thought of Him living next door to us would make our skin crawl.  "I would not want Jesus to hear or see the things I do or say in the privacy of my own home or in my car.  That's just not right."  Really?  Well guess what Jesus not only lives in the neighborhood, He lives in our hearts every second of every day, He hears every word, He sees every move we make, and He's a mind reader.  That's right He can read our thoughts.  There is no hiding anything from Jesus, so whether you believe in Him or not, He is watching you.  If you don't believe in Him you still can't relax because I guarantee He is living in one of the houses around you, in the heart of a believer.  

I see and hear so many stories about people who say they believe in Jesus Christ, yet their words and their actions are something they would not want Jesus to know about.  The sad thing is, that these people are supposed to be representing Jesus Christ to a lost and broken world.  How can we do that if we would be embarrassed or ashamed about our behavior if Jesus lived in our neighborhood?  Think about how ridiculous we would feel if Jesus was sitting in our car during one of our road rage fits.  I have seen it and heard it all.  There are fellow believers that I refuse to ride with in a car because of their road rage.  I could be on death's door and I wouldn't ride with them.  They flip people off (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.) They cut people off in traffic, yell at others who cut them off, ride peoples bumpers, rant and rage that no one knows how to drive.  What kind of an example is that?   I know that traffic is crazy now days.  People texting and driving or talking on their cell phones and people driving while intoxicated, make it tough but we are to be examples of Jesus Christ, even when we are driving on the road.  We so often assume that people are just rude.  They cut us off in traffic and we have to give them a piece of our minds.  Let me be honest here, most of us cannot afford to give anyone a piece of our minds because that would mean we have less brains that we have now!  I honestly think some of us out there have given so many people a piece of our minds, we have no brains left!  Sorry, I had to say that!  If Jesus was riding with you in your car, how would He feel about your driving?  Listen I know it may be hard to fathom, but even when we are behind the wheel of our car, we can be an example of Jesus Christ.  

Our words, our actions and our behavior can either show someone a true example of Jesus Christ or not.  As believers, as Christians we have a big responsibility to show this lost and broken world the love of Jesus Christ and how can we do that if we are cussing and swearing, moaning and groaning, whining and complaining, flipping people off and cutting them off?  Would you act differently if Jesus moved into the neighborhood and traveled in your car with you.  Would your words be encouraging and uplifting to your spouse and your children?  Would you raise your hand in anger if Jesus was standing next to you?   Think about it.  How would we change our lives if Jesus Christ moved into the neighborhood?  How differently would you drive if Jesus was riding with you in your car?  Would you change what you watch on TV if Jesus was in the room?  Would you change the books you read if Jesus was in the room?  Would you change the music you listen to if Jesus was listening?  Would you take those shots of whiskey if Jesus was with you?  What would you change about yourself or your life if Jesus was your neighbor?  

Well people He is with us.  He has moved into the neighborhood, in fact He is dwelling right now in your home and in your heart.  He is with you in the car, He sees that TV show, He hears that music, He's reading that book, He sees those shots of whiskey in fact He can smell the booze on your breath.  He hears those words you say to your children and your spouse, and He dried the tears in their eyes.  He saw you flipping off the driver of that car that cut you off in traffic.  Oh yea that driver you flipped off was trying to get to the hospital to see his father before he took his last breath in this life.  He sees those movies you watch when you think no one is looking.  Listen Jesus Christ knows all, sees all and hears all.  He not only lives in the neighborhood, He lives inside of all of us believers through the Holy Spirit.  People we need to change, we need to get real.  We are not surprising to God.  He  knew how messed up we were when He gave us life, but when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, when the Holy Spirit starts to dwell in us, then we need to be honest about ourselves and let God change us.   If we really, I mean really accepted Jesus Christ, than we will change from the inside out.  Today, let's really start acting like Jesus lives in our neighborhoods, because He does.

May my words, actions and thoughts give Glory to God at all times.  May I become a witness of the love of Jesus Christ and stop talking the talk, but walking the walk.  May God continue to change me from the inside out so that I can reflect to love of Jesus Christ, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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