Monday, December 15, 2014


Psalm 127:3  Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him. 

Walking around this world and listening to conversations can be quite eye opening, especially at Christmas time.  As I sit and just listen I hear parents and even grandparents discussing how disobedient their children or grandchildren are.  I hear voices that say everything that the child is doing wrong.  I hear the pain in their voice that cannot seem to comprehend why said child is so disobedient.  I hear the confusion in their words as they try to understand what to do in order to get through to this child.  It is hard to be a parent.  To be honest it is the toughest job in the world.  But it can also be the most rewarding.  

The thing I realize is that way too often we are wrapped up with what a child is doing wrong.  We are so concerned about their obedience that we lose track of what they are doing that is right.  

Listen our children and grandchildren are being pressured enough by society and their peers.  To also have this pressure at home can be too much for them to handle.  I know we have to discipline our children, but we also have to build them up and let them know who they are.  We have to tell them how special they are, we have to show them an tell them how much we love them and value them. 

Yelling, screaming and beating a child into submission does not teach them anything.  What it does tell them is that they are worthless, disobedient little jerks.  (Yes, I have heard these words spoken in grocery stores before.)  What it tells them is that unless they obey us, we will not love them.  That may not be what we mean, but this is what they hear and feel.  

Talking about how bad our children are when they are in the room with us is inexcusable.  We may think that they cannot hear us but they do.  They hear the disgust in our voices, they hear the frustration and anger in our voices and they can tell that they can do nothing right, because nothing they can do is ever right.  We sometimes treat our children as adults and expect them to obey when spoken to instead of treating this as a learning process with patience and understanding.  Yes there are times we may have to repeat ourselves 1,000 times, but let me ask you this, how many times has God told you to obey Him?  Did you listen right away and obey?

We expect more out of our children than God expects out of us.  God knew we were not perfect and that He would have to remind us over and over and over and over again that we need to obey Him.  I know for myself that God has had to remind me over 1,000 times to obey Him yet He has never once yelled at me or beat me, even though I deserve it.   He has never put me down or reminded me how disobedient I have been,  He has never pointed His finger at me in anger or disgust.  He has never told me that I am a loser or a jerk.  God, my Father in Heaven, has never really disciplined me the way I deserve.

No, instead He calmly points out my disobedience and patiently reminds me of how I need to behave.  He loving holds me and forgives me over and over and over again for the same mistake.  He doesn't care if it takes Him reminding me 1,000,000,000 times, He just patiently keeps reminding me and loving me and forgiving me.  If God can do this for us, why can't we do this with our own children and grandchildren?  

I have seen a broken hearted child who feels like nothing they can do is ever right.  I have seen the tears as they once again hear about their failure.  I have seen the pain they feel as they hear their parents discuss how disobedient they are.  I have seen the question in their eyes that says, "Am I loved?  Am I a worthless piece of junk?  Can anyone really love me?"

Parents and grandparents; there are other grandparents and parents who have watched the child they love die from cancer or illness or accident.  These people would do anything to be able to hug that child again.  They would move heaven and earth if they could just to tell that child how much they love them.  Don't take that child for granted.


After all God loves us and accepts us!

Lord please let me make sure that every day I tell my children and grandchildren how much they are loved.  Help me to be an example of your love and forgiveness.  Help me to see the good things and teach how to change the wrong things, in Jesus name, amen!

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