Monday, November 29, 2021



My sweet Shelby loves to carry things in her arms.  For the most part she only carries what she can handle but there are occasions that she thinks she can carry a load that is way too big for her.  Life is like that many times in our lives.  We get so used to carry the load that we don’t realize the load is way too much for us to bear.  We get overwhelmed and burdened to the point of collapsing and then we fall apart.  It has happened to me many times especially recently with all that Sean is going through.  I try to find solutions that maybe he doesn’t want to listen to, (I am still his mom) or I try to hide my tears so he doesn’t see me fall apart or I just keep carrying my fears without letting them out because I still believe in miracles and how can I believe in miracles and still have fears and doubts?

I’m human.  I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I know miracles happen every day.  I have experienced them first hand.  But what load am I carrying that God has told me to let go of?  Then I begin to feel overwhelmed because if this is what I’m feeling, what is Sean feeling?   Is he carrying to big of a load?  It’s hard for me to imagine as a mom, watching my son deal with issues I have never dealt with.  I don’t want him carrying a load that he is not designed to carry.  I want to take it all away and carry it myself, but I can’t.   I can’t…BUT GOD can and He will, if we let go of it and give it to Him.


He can make the impossible possible. He can do what only He can do.  He can carry the load we try to carry.  When we place our load, our burdens in His Mighty hands, He does the impossible.  But….we have to do what we can do.  We can’t just sit on the sidelines and hand all our burdens to God without doing our part also.   What can we do?  Pray!  Investigate all the endless possibilities that is out there.  In Sean’s case, there are numerous doctors with numerous opinions, there are natural doctors who rely on God’s healing plants along with medicine, there are so many options to check into BUT GOD…will direct the path if we let Him.  

Life is a journey that takes us down roads we never imagined. BUT GOD…with Him as our GPS system, we can’t make a wrong turn.  I trust in God!   I give Him the load I cannot carry any longer.  I lay my burdens at the foot of the cross and surrender it all to Him!  

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...