Friday, May 22, 2015


The American Soldier and Jesus

News reports quickly flashed across the screen, "Another American soldier lost his life today".  In my mind I instantly said a prayer.  My mind filled with thoughts of all his family and friends who had to deal with this tragedy.  My heart ached for his mom and dad.  I do not want to even imagine what they are going through.  Parents should not have to bury their child.  It just doesn't seem fair.  so many lives lost, so many wounded lives changed forever.  I ask "Jesus why are there wars?  Why do innocent people have to die?"  I strain my ears to try to hear an answer, any explanation as to why this has to happen.

A whisper in my ear tells me the truth I have been searching for, "You see my dear, the American soldier was created in my image.  He was created to fight a battle against the evil forces of darkness that permeate this world.  He was raised to stand up for what he believes in.  He was created to stand up for those who cannot fight for themselves.  Yes, the American soldier is much like me.  Like an American soldier, I stand up against the enemy for you every day.  Like an American soldier, I stand before you with shield and sword fighting those who want to oppress you.  Like an American soldier, I will risk my very life so that you can have the freedom you don't really deserve.  Look at the wounds in my hands and feet.  Now look at the wounds of an American soldier.  Freedom is not free.  There is a price that must be paid for freedom.  I paid that price for you and so has an American soldier.  While I give you an eternal freedom, your earthly freedom has been paid for by an American soldier." 

Eph 1:16  I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 

This weekend is much more than the beginning of summer, it is Memorial Day weekend.  A time when we stop and think about every single soldier who fought for this country.  We pay homage to all past, present and future soldier who risked (or risks) his or her life to maintain this freedom we cherish so dearly.  Because of an American soldier, we have freedom to worship God.  Because of an American soldier, we can stand up against our government if we believe it is wrong.  Because of an American soldier, we have the right to a fair trial.  Because of an American soldier, we can travel across this country and from sea to shining sea.  We can view purple mountains majesties.  We can cross the plains of Texas and climb the Rocky Mountains.  Because of an American soldier, I can stand in church every Sunday and raise my hands to praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So this weekend while we're barbecuing, swimming, boating, eating, playing building bonfires and eating s'mores, take a moment and remember that many died so that you could enjoy this weekend.  If you see a soldier or know one, thank them.  So to the American soldiers I end with this simple prayer:

Thank you for sacrificing your life for my family and I.  May God bless you and keep you safe on the battlefields of life.  May He bless you with joy and peace.  May God shine His light upon you and be gracious to you.  May He rain down blessing upon you and your family.  May God grant you a life filled with love and happiness in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...