Monday, July 20, 2015


As night begins to fall in the big city, the city lights seem so bright yet the darkness keeps on fighting.  It does not give up it's struggle to to destroy the light.  It's a constant battle everywhere, but nowhere is the battle between darkness and light as intense as in the big city.  Drug dealers and pimps try to peddle their goods to anyone and everyone with money.  They lure the weak and innocent into their traps with promises of happiness and love.   "If you're not happy, this pill with give you a feeling of pure joy."  "If you feel unloved I can introduce you to some men who will love you."

As I walk the city streets I hear the distant sound of crying.  It's actually a pathetic sound of sheer despair and utter desperation.  No one else seems to be paying attention to the cries.  Others have their headphones on, the constant stream of text messages keep them oblivious that someone needs help.  I don't know maybe some are just so used to the sound that they ignore it and walk away.  Some may fear for their life if they interfere, but I cannot listen to the sound without further investigation.  

A distance down the street a young girl has her head buried in her lap.  Her tears are real, her pain is so heart wrenching she cannot even sit up straight.  Her words begin to ring through the city like a slow, painful prayer.  She pours her heart and soul out,   

"Does anyone hear my cry?  Does anyone notice me?  Does anyone care what's happening to me?  Is anyone willing to love me?  Where is everyone?  Why does everyone just pass me by like I have the plague?  Where are you God?  Do you hear me?  Do you notice me?  Do you care?  Do you love me?"

The cries become increasingly louder as I approach and see the young girl.  Her long blonde hair is all knotted and tangled.  Her face we with tears, her eyes red and swollen.  The mascara is running down her cheek and the red lipstick has been smeared off.  A red mark has scarred her cheek and the finger marks across her neck points to the darkness that has invaded this city.

I sit down by her and tell her; "I have heard your cries.  I noticed you!  I do care!  I love you!  Let me help you.  Let me hold you.  Let me love you."  

 Psalm 57:1-3  Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to You for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of Your wings until the danger passes by.  I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me. He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. Interlude My God will send forth His unfailing love and faithfulness.

The promise they tempt people with are lies.  These lies try to invade the light that dwells inside of each one of us.  But if we cry out to God, He will rescue us.  The thing is sometimes He expects us to be used by Him.  If we are not willing to step out of our comfort zone and risk stepping into the darkness, the light will never shine.  If this was your daughter, would you want someone to intervene to help her?   

May the light of Jesus Christ shine from us so that we can help others destroy the darkness that is chasing them.  May we be willing to step in and intervene in Jesus name I pray, amen!

1 comment:


  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...