Monday, April 19, 2021



Yes, I know it's been way tooooooo long since I've written in this blog.  It feels  sort of strange to be honest with you.  I honestly thought I was done writing here until God grabbed me yesterday and said, "I'm not finished writing through you yet.  Get busy!"  So here I am again.  I hope you like this.

Grace....God's unmerited favor given to us freely when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  This word has been on my heart a lot lately.  With all the insanity going on in the world around us we really need to understand grace better.  I'm not just talking about us receiving God's grace but also giving grace to others, even others who may not deserve it.  

Trust me it's easier to receive grace than it is to give it.  Think about it right now in today's crazy world.  Wouldn't it be great to live in a state of grace?  Giving others unmerited favor?  Whether your republican or democrat?  Whether you believe in wearing masks or not?  Whether you get vaccinated or not? These things shouldn't make us angry or upset.  We shouldn't argue about these things.  We need to give each other grace.  After all God gives us the grace we don't deserve, shouldn't we be sharing more grace and less of our opinions?

Anger and rage is running wild in this country and in this world.  This world is so divided it's crazy.  If you watch any news program, it's filled with negativity.  That is why I won't watch the news and I don't read the newspaper.  It makes me angry and sad.  Instead I focus on the good news...God's grace.  I don't deserve it, I didn't do anything to earn it and His grace gives me a peace that surpasses all understanding.  His grace, His unmerited favor reassures me that no matter what is happening in the world around me, God has me in the palm of His hands and to be honest, there is no better place for me to be.

The thing about grace that i am learning is that although I love to receive God's grace, it's also important for me to share His grace with others.  I'm not going to share it by preaching it to others, but by showing it and by living it out and giving it out.  Giving God's grace to others is so rewarding and gives me such a peace that is hard to explain but I'll do my best.  

God's grace is like an invisible coat that covers me and protects me from the lies of the enemy.  It's like a warm blanket on a cold, winter's night.  It's forgiveness and mercy and peace and joy and harmony all wrapped up together.  It's and unbelievable feeling to offer grace to others instead of our opinions and it's so much more rewarding.    



  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...