Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Ah, the peaceful joy of a sunset warns my heart and brings peace to my crazy mind.  I love sunsets and sunrises.  I love nature.  There's something about the beginning of a day and the end of a day that calms my mind and gives me a sense of peace.  Nature can be very calming to me especially after a crazy day or before a crazy day begins.  I am a person who craves peace, I think that's why I love living on a lake.  Even when this home is full chaos and commotion, when all of our children, their spouses and our grandchildren are here, I simply glance out over the lake and feel peace.   

I also am one who doesn't like conflict or arguments.  Who does?  There are people who crave drama and arguments and conflict, in fact they seem to thrive on it.  We all know those people who have to have the  last word.  They have to prove their point and give us a piece of their mind.  They are usually very vocal, sometimes loud and even obnoxious.  They feel they're right and we're wrong and they are out to prove it.  Then there are those who have a list of wrongs we've done to them over their lifetime.  They have kept track of every wrong word, every wrong action, every single offense has been recorded in their mind to relive and to resurrect if needed.  They have the ammunition to blow us out of the water and annihilate us. They look forward to the day they can argue and fight with  us.  

Listen, I am not one of those people.  I will not apologize for it either.  But on the other side, I am not a wimp and I will not allow people to walk all over me.  Most times I like to just sit and listen while these types of people ramble on and on and on.  They may raise their voices, they may point fingers, they may get very defensive, they may even raise their fists in anger, but I like to just listen.  Why?  Well I've learned many valuable lessons in my days here on earth and one of them is hurting people hurt people.  So if someone is trying to hurt me, I do my best to try to understand their hurt and pain.  

Actually I think some people I anger more because I don't argue back or fight back.  They  expect it, they want me to get upset and angry like they are.  They want me to get defensive and live my life offended but I refuse.  I know something they don't know, they are hurting deep inside.  Their is pain in their life they haven't dealt with so they take it out on us.  When this happens we can either become victims in this stupid game or we can become victorious.  How can we come victorious?  I pray for them.  

Listen Jesus Christ prayed for those men who were in the process of killing Him.  "Father forgive them, they know not what they do."  He could have cursed them but He didn't.  He could have called legions of angels down to destroy them but He didn't.  He simply prayed for His enemies.  He calls us as believers to do the same.  Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. it for yourselves.

Matthew 5:44  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

I do my best to try to live this way, not by my own strength and power but through the power of the Holy Spirit of God that lives in me because of my belief in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord.  Oh there are many times I fail at this so this is also a reminder to myself.  Hurting people hurt people.  So instead of cursing our enemies lets start praying for them.  Instead of getting even, love them like no one has loved them before.  What better way to get even with someone who hurt them...pray for them.

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