Monday, October 19, 2015


The life of a price or princess in a castle is a dream many of us wish for.  To have servants ready to wait on us hand and foot.  To never have to clean a toilet or wash dishes or wash clothes is a fantasy. To be able to summon food and drink with a snap of a finger or a ring of a bell.  To have the finest clothes, to be dripping in jewels, to have furs and the finest of everything money can buy.  To have your own bedroom with your own bathroom, seems so awesome.  To have a servant run your bath for you every night.  To have all our dreams and fantasies become reality would be amazing

 As a little girl, I always imagined a prince riding up on a white horse carrying me off to his castle.  There is would have everything I ever dreamed of and I would never have to lift a finger to work.  The world would be at my beckon call and all the bullies who hurt me would be imprisoned (or worse.)   These silly childlike dreams kept me going through hard times.  These dreams help me cling to the thought that maybe it's possible.  Maybe someday my dreams will all come true.   

Well my dreams have come true, but not in the way I expected as a child.  Jerry didn't ride up on a white horse, actually it was a burgundy Camero.  He didn't carry me off to his castle, but he carried me away to dreams I didn't know I had.  I have a palace that is roughly 2,000 square feet.  It sits on a lake where geese squawk and squawk.  This reality is my dream come true.  Our 4 children, 3 son-in-laws, 4 (soon to be 5) grandchilren and 5 granddogs have almost completed my dreams.  (I'm just waiting for my son to find his dream girl.)  

Looking back at my childhood dreams and fantasies have made me realize that sometimes it's better to give up the palace in order to be home.  You see my palace is my home and I would never trade the life I have now to live in a palace.  My home makes me smile.  When everyone is here, it is crowded and noisy, but it is home.  My husband has worked extremely hard to provide what we have.    

Hebrews 11:24-26 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter.  He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.  He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value then the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.  

Moses lived in Pharaoh's palace for most of his life before he discovered who he really was.  He had servants and maids at his beckon call.  Anytime day or night his servants waited on him.  He had everything money could buy.  Finest robes and linens, jewels, silver and gold, were all his.  He had women falling at his feet.  He was considered a prince of Egypt.  He had it all and then some!  He could have had the throne of Egypt.  He could have been Pharaoh.  

BUT!  He gave it all up when he discovered who he really was.  Could you imagine that?  Having the world at your fingertips and giving it all up?  Moses took a stand!  Moses accepted the reality of who he really was and stood up for his people.  He risked his life!  He gave up all the jewels, all the gold and silver, he gave up the servants and the maids.  No more fine linen or silk robes.  No more women falling at his feet.  No more easy life for Moses.  He went to work in the mud pits making bricks with the rest of the slaves.  He gave up the palace life and lifestyle to become a servant.

Sound familiar?  Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior gave up heaven and come down to Earth as a servant for us.  Jesus lived in the ultimate palace.  Remember the show  "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", well let me tell you, those luxury homes and yachts can not hold a candle to what heaven is like.  Jesus gave up the peace and comfort of heaven to serve His people.  He became like us.  He was tested and tried, beaten and scourged, He was whipped and spit upon.  Instead of living in the palace, He went through hell on Earth and died for you and I.

Why?  Because just like Moses loved his people and his family and was willing to leave the palace behind, Jesus loves us more than we can ever fully grasp.  He was willing to die a servants death so that we can, once again, have a relationship with our Heavenly Father.  He died in our place.  The punishment we deserve for our sins, He took instead.  He did it out of love.  He did it out of LOVE!  

Lord, give me the strength to live as a servant.  Help me grab a hold of the servant attitude of Moses and Jesus and bury it into every word, every thought and every action.  Help me to leave my comfort zone to reach a lost and broken world, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

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