Thursday, October 1, 2015


So, are you possessed?  I know this is sort of a funny, yet odd question.  This question raises many different things in my mind.  I flash back to the movie "The Exorcist" with Linda Blair's head spinning around in circles.  The images of what a person who is possessed looks like flashes in my mind.  Hollywood movies filled with demon possessed give me nightmares.  In fact I tried to find a image of a possessed person that wasn't gross, couldn't find one.  When I stop to think about being possessed, it actually creeps me out, how about you?

Listen I know Halloween is coming up so talking about being possessed sounds right on track, but I'm not talking about demon possessed, I'm talking about being possessed by the gifts of the Spirit.  So often we talk about the fruit of the Spirit.  Peace, patience, kindness, love, humility and so on.  Everyone gets slap happy when we talk about that in church, but God forbid we talk about the gifts of the Spirit.  In fact in some denominations that isn't even discussed or believed in.  Really?

Oh my gosh, can you imagine the reaction we would have if someone in our church actually spoke in tongues?  The roof would cave in.  "The devil is trying to trick us."  "They must be possessed by the devil."  Can you imagine the uproar?  I can hear my mother now, "The end of the world is coming today.  This isn't right." (I love my mom, I just like to tease her.) I'm sure most of you know people who would act the same way, maybe in your church.  

The stares from self righteous people, the pointing fingers from people who don't understand, the comments from well meaning people.  Oh believe me I used to be one of those people.  I didn't understand the gifts of the Spirit, didn't want to understand it because it seemed a little to freaky to me. Actually it seemed a little scary.  Speaking in tongues, healing, teaching, prophesy, interpretation, are just a few that we can possess.  Yes, we can be possessed by the Spirit of God Himself.   Yes, these gifts can be ours but we have to allow the Holy Spirit to truly possess us. 

1 Corinthians 12:29-31 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles?   Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?  But earnestly desire the higher gifts.  And I will show you a still more excellent way.

Would it shock you to find out you have one or more of these gifts?  Would you want to have one or more of these gifts?  Would it be embarrassing to admit you have one or more of these gifts?  In order to possess one or more of these gifts, we have to allow God to take control of our life.  We have to stop sitting on the throne of our life and let go of the wheel.  We have to allow God to work in our lives, our hearts and our minds to change us through the Holy Spirit.  

Scary?  Yea it is.  It is frightening to let go and let God.  It's scary to give up and get out of our comfort zone and step into the plan God has for our life.  It can be sheer pain to deal with the reality of who you were and who He wants you to be.  For me I have had may reality checks in my life that changed me.  I had to be open and honest about myself and allow God deep into my heart. Then and only then was I ever able to allow Him to give me some of the gifts of the Spirit. 

Only through admitting my weaknesses was God able to heal my heart.  Only through opening my heart was He able to truly give me the gifts I have.  Everything I write is from Him and for Him.  It was easy for me to pray and develop the fruit of the Spirit, (except patience, still dealing with that one).  Gifts of the Spirit, that was deep and one that I will work on developing the rest of my life.  

So who is possessing you right now?  What is possessing you right now?  Your stuff?  Your money?  Your lusts?  Your selfishness?  Your pride?  The devil?  Or is God possessing you?  You can chose who or what possesses you, I chose God!  I chose His gifts!  I chose His fruit!  I chose life!  

Lord, possess my heart, my soul and my mind.  Send your Spirit to work in me and through me.  Change me Lord and give me the gifts of Spirit you have chosen for me, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

1 comment:

  1. Lol !! I also think that God is trying to teach me patience. John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. So often many are suffering needlessly not knowing that they can invoke the Holy Spirit. I am so glad that you know Him.



  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...