As many of you know October is Pastor Appreciation Month. I purposefully waited until the last possible day to write this. Why? Because in my eye's and in my heart I truly believe that being a pastor is one of the most difficult jobs around. Maybe not physically demanding, but being a pastor can be heart wrenching and challenging. A pastor has a sometimes thankless job. They get blamed for what is going on in the church, they get fingers pointed their way if the sermon wasn't what someone expected or wanted to hear.
Think about, a pastor has the same hours a doctor has. They can get a call in the middle of the night that a member of their church is in the hospital in critical condition. And trust me if and when these phone calls come in, they don't just roll over in bed non nonchalantly. They don't just whisper, "I'll pray for them" and then go back to sleep. They get up, get dressed and run to the hospital.
They counsel couples who are too stubborn to face the reality about themselves, let alone each other. They comfort those of us who have lost loved ones. They console the grieving widow. They pray with those who need prayer. They listen to a story they have heard hundred of times, all the while they have a smile on their face. They cry with the lost and broken. They dry the tears of the hurt. They hold hands with the homeless. They forgive the unforgivable and they bring hope to the hopeless. The dispense mercy and grace by the gallons. All the while, their family sits at home.
That's right, while our pastors are busy taking care of all of us, their family sits at home eating another dinner without their dad and husband. While other dads are coaching their children in sports, pastors are often on the sidelines trying to watch, but also listening to and conversing with lost and broken people. Being a pastor is not an easy job and not one to take lightly.
James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with great strictness.
My pastors are all amazing!! They lead us and teach us and point out changes we need to consider. They comfort us and dry our tears. They lead us into battle with the enemy and they lift us up with their love. They sacrifice family time, they sacrifice their financial security, and they sacrifice their time.
My pastors not only preach about the love and grace of Jesus Christ, they live it out every day. As I sit in church every Sunday and listen to the amazing worship songs arranged by Cliff, my heart soars on the wings of eagles. As I think about all the middle and high school kids Ben is trying to reach, I praise God for men like him. As I volunteer at different community outreach mission work we do, I thank God for bringing Brandon to our church.
Then there is pastor John. His honesty about himself is humbling. His truth about Jesus Christ is through provoking. His love for Jesus Christ and us, the church body, is evident in every tear he sheds for us and with us. His teachings lift us up in a way that is utterly amazing. He allows the Holy Spirit to be his guide and the presence of God is all around us when pastor John speaks.
To the families of all my pastors and pastors everywhere, thanks you for sharing your husbands and fathers with us. Your support of what they do is a true testimony of the love of Jesus Christ.
Thank you just doesn't seem like enough, but that's all I got right now, so
May God pour our enormous blessings upon all pastors and their families. May God continue to shine in you and through you, in Jesus name I pray, amen!