Monday, June 11, 2018


I look up at the sky and I sit and wonder what tomorrow will bring.  I think about yesterday and try to contemplate all the mistakes I made and how I can change them.  For me this is a process that is exhausting and frustrating.  Is it for you too?  I mean I can sit all day and make plans for what I will do tomorrow, I can schedule and I can plan all I want but when tomorrow comes it always seems like something unexpected happens which throws my plans out the window.  As for yesterday I can look back all I want but I cannot change a thing about what happened.  I can't live the day over again, I can't go back and have a redo.  Yesterday is done.  So let's learn from our yesterdays and move on.

I've made up my mind to live for today, today.  I decided to learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow but I will live in the present, after all isn't that what today is?  A present?  For me it is.  I am not promised a tomorrow.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, none of us do, so why waste time getting all worked up about what may or may not happen?  Oh I could stare into a crystal ball or have some fortune teller try to tell me what will happen tomorrow, but why?  Why should I believe anything someone else tells me?  It's ludicrous.  I know, I could read my horoscope, that'll tell me what tomorrow will bring, right?  Wrong!!!  Way to many people believe in that garbage, some even waste their money to hear this junk.  Seriously people, we need to grow up.  There is no "genie in a bottle" who is waiting to grant us 3 wishes.  There is no one and there is nothing that can ever tell us what will happen tomorrow.

My yesterdays are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ.  My sins have been wiped clean, erased and removed from God's book of life.  "He remembers my sins no more."  My tomorrows are placed in the arms of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I place my tomorrow in His hands and trust in Him because I know He will work it all out for my good much better than I can.  The thing about Jesus is that because of His sacrifice, my eternity is already booked and paid for, I have a one way ticket to paradise.  I didn't have to do anything to earn this gift but believe in Him and I certainly don't deserve it, it was a free gift for me to receive.  My tomorrow has already been taken care of.  Has yours?    

Matthew 6:34 (The Message) Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. 

What ever happens in this world I know one thing for certain, my future is guaranteed.  Why should I waste one minute of my life worrying about what the future may hold?  Why should I live my life stressed out and frustrated about life?  I have been given the gift of eternity and because that gift I have a peace that surpasses all understanding.  I will live for today and embrace all God blesses me with today.  Whatever happens tomorrow will happen.  I trust in God and believe that He will help me deal with whatever comes my way.   Trust me this way of living is simply amazing.  Will you join me?    

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, even in troubles that do come to stop us from belief to it is finished for us to turn to Father in trust of Son as Risen for us to walk new in love to all, not a few.

    Troubles, only are for to stop us and get us into what I call stinking thinking, and so we do as a person thinks in their heart.
    Love this truth spoken here in the post, thank you. To go through adversities, is key standing in belief no matter what troubles come up



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