Friday, September 2, 2016


Judges 6:12b  "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior"

When the angel of the Lord said this to Gideon, Gideon didn't feel like a warrior.  He was quite possibly at one of the lowest points in his life.  He was broken and feeling hopeless.  With thoughts that God had abandoned them, he was in a state of despair.  Yet at his lowest, God called him a "Mighty Warrior".  Not a simple warrior,  but a  one!  Okay some versions may say man of valor.  Look up the definition of valor--great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.   Synonyms for valor are fearless, brave, courage, boldness,  stout-heartedness, heroism, backbone, and daring.  So frankly which ever word you use, God referred to Gideon as someone to be reckoned with.  It didn't matter what his circumstances were at that point, it didn't matter what Gideon saw when he looked in the mirror, it didn't matter whether he felt like a warrior or not, God called him a "Mighty Warrior"!

Listen God doesn't call the qualified to serve Him, He qualifies those He calls.  We don't need theological degrees, we don't need a masters degree in the Bible.  We aren't even qualified to stand in His presence, yet when God calls you a "Mighty Warrior" He gives you all you need to become a mighty warrior.  I'm sure many of you, including me, don't feel even one tiny bit close to being able to be called a warrior, let alone a mighty warrior, but neither did Gideon.  God saw something in Gideon that would light a spark deep down in his soul, something not visible to the naked eye.  He saw him as a "Mighty Warrior."

I know I don't always get it either but God gets it.  He sees in you and I something we can't see in ourselves.  He knows the plans He has for us, He knows what is rooted deep down in our hearts that we don't even grasp yet.  He knows what we're capable of doing, not in our own strength, but through His strength.  You see we cannot be a mighty warrior all on our own.  We need help, we need the power of the living God inside of us.  That's what God saw in Gideon.  God knew that Gideon could do mighty things with His help.  

Do you feel like a warrior?  "I see in you a warrior that needs to be awakened." As I heard Miss Clara say those words to Elizabeth in War Room, I felt as though God was speaking to me directly.  I tried to ignore it, I tried to downplay it, but it didn't work.  I kept hearing it over and over and over again.  I couldn't turn the volume down on the words that kept ringing in my ears.  Heck even earplugs didn't drown out the sound of this sentence. Me?  A warrior?  I can't stand arguments, let alone fighting.  A warrior just sounds so violent and angry, at least that is what I thought until I read the definition of warrior and valor.  

You see God has called me and you to a different battle, a spiritual battle, a prayer battle.  I am learning to become a prayer warrior, a Mighty Prayer Warrior.  I have always felt different than others.  I don't like competition, I despise setting goals. I love peace.  I love quiet.  I love times of solitude.  I have always felt drawn to prayer.  I wish I could explain it but I don't think I can.  Prayer has always been more to me than a few prayers recited over and over.  When I prayed the rosary, I felt sort of empty.  That's just me.  I have discovered that God has wired me differently than others.  Maybe He has wired you differently too.  

The movie "War Room" awakened in me a warrior I didn't fully understand or embrace.  Then reading this verse about Gideon really sent me into a spiritual realm of prayer I never knew about before.   Listen I know this may sound strange and hard for you to understand, but this movie and this verse has become my inspiration.  God may be calling you to become a warrior along with me.  God may be saying to you right now;

"I see in you a Mighty Warrior that needs to be awakened." 

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