Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Ephesians 1:17-19 (Amplified Bible) (For I always pray) that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation (of insight into mysteries and secrets) in the (deep and intimate ) knowledge of Him.  By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set apart ones), and (so that you will know and understand) what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength

As I sit here today I am trying to take in the fact that many of us believers do not understand what we have through Jesus Christ.  We seem to have lost sight of all He died to give us.  Or maybe we don't want to know what He has given us.  Could that be?  Is it possible that we are afraid to know the endless possibilities and the enormous abilities we have been given through Jesus Christ?  Is it easier to deny our gifts and bury them?  Is it easier to drown ourselves in pools of tears?  It is easier to hide them under a bushel basket?  I know that this may sound harsh and maybe I have offended someone, but it's time we wake up and claim all that Jesus died to give us.  It's time to claim our birthright.  It's time to claim our inheritance.  

There is power in the name of Jesus.  Yes, just saying His name gives you power.  I remember a couple years ago when gas prices were at an all time high.  I was in Kroger's gas station and there was a line up a mile long because their's was much lower.  As I sat in line there was a man backing up his truck to get into another line.  He backed up so fast I did not have time to honk my horn, or maybe I was in a state of shock. He was headed right for my door when I screamed "Jesus" (my window was shut or else he would have heard me).  He stopped within an inch of my door.  So don't tell me that it is silly to say there is power in a name.  It's just not a inspirational song, it is true.  The thing about God id that He gives us everything we need to get through this life and be a witness for Jesus Christ, but if we don't believe in those gifts, we won't receive them.

Read these verses again....there is power given to us through our belief in Jesus Christ.  We have power.  Do you understand that?  Do you believe that?  I mean do you really believe that?  Because if you do, then why are we living such weak pathetic lives?  I'm sorry that does sound harsh, but someone said that once to me and it rocked my inner being to the core.  It shook me and made me stop and think.  I probably had a "deer in the headlights" look on my face because it was the truth.  I would cry and whine and pout and complain and whine some more and cry a few more tears.  I must have looked pathetic, if I had let anyone see me like that.  I always did this behind closed doors.  I didn't want anyone to know.  I didn't want anyone to see me like that.  It would have been embarrassing.  The crazy thing is God saw me.  He saw me at my worst. 

When I went to a women's conference many years ago, I heard a speaker talk about how pitiful she would act.  Whine and cry and complain and cry some more, it sounded like me.  Then she said God whispered to her, "You can be pitiful or you can be powerful, but you can't be both."  Ouch!!  That simple phrase rang through my ears over and over and over again.  I prayed to God that night and asked if He was speaking to me, I heard a soft whisper saying "Yes. I have so many plans for you but you can't do them weak and pitiful.  I need you to be powerful."  Okay I think I got it.  So pitiful or powerful?  Which do you choose?  I chose power that day.  Oh trust me I still have those times when I feel pitiful, then I hear a voice in my head screaming, I do mean screaming, "Those are the lies of the enemy.  Pitiful or powerful?  Your choice?"  

You see the same power, the same Spirit, that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us as believers.  It's there.  We have power but we have to believe in that power and receive it.  So often we believe the lies of the enemy instead of the promises of God, why?  Is it easier to weak and pitiful?  Is it easier to just sit back and let life pass you by?  Well honestly it may be but what will you be missing out on?  There is power available to you today.  Do you believe in that power?  Are you willing to receive that power?  Let me pray....

Lord, I pray that you grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation.  Give us insight into the mysteries and secrets of this life.  Give us a deep and intimate knowledge of you.  Flood the eyes of our heart with light so that we may know the hope to which you have called us.  May we believe and receive in the rich, glorious inheritance you have for us.  Help us to  believe and receive the immeasurable, unlimited and greatness of the power you have for us who believe in you. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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