Monday, December 14, 2015


Sometimes being bold is a bad thing.  Speaking your mind with no consideration for others because what you have to say is so important, cutting people off in traffic because because you have places to go and people to see, shoving your opinions down peoples throats because your right and everyone else is wrong - this bold is not the bold I want to discuss today.  Frankly that kind of bold is rude and if I may be honest, it's more about pride than being bold.  

The bold I want to discuss today is the bold that takes risks, the bold that is confident, not cocky, the bold that is courageous, not boisterous.  We all know people who fit into patterns of bold that is the opposite of what I want to discuss.  We all know people who speak bold words without the knowledge or people skills to back up what they are saying.  We all know people who speak bold words who should just keep their mouth shut.  Sorry am I being too bold?  

Take this bird for example.  In the middle of Disney World, surrounded by (what seemed like) millions of people, this bird had the boldness to stand by tables where people were eating.  Within a foot or less of this bird was tables filled with people eating.  Normally these birds fly away at the least little commotion or movement, but not this bird.  He was bold and stood right by that tree until he got some food.  He was courageous because anyone could have reached out to grab him.  He was confident that he would get the food he came for.  He took a risk.

Okay maybe the bird analogy seems a little goofy but being bold in a crowd is risky.  Being bold with confidence and courage can seem overwhelming.   To be frank, the bold I am talking about can be downright scary at times.  Think about it for a moment,  Being bold, standing up for what is morally right, having the courage to speak the truth, having confidence that whatever comes our way, we can deal with.  Bold is not just about a strong color choice, or being verbally abusive or physically abusive.  The bold I am discussing is the bold that stands up with love and peace in a heart and speaks truth.

Acts 4:31  After they prayed, the place they were meeting was shaken, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Can we do what this verse says?  Can we speak the word of God boldly?  Can we do it without shoving it down people's throats?  Can we do it with love and peace?  Can we do it with confidence and courage?  Can we step out and step up?  If we are given the gift of tongues can we speak this way with boldness?  I don't get it.  What has happened to our bold quality that the Holy Spirit gives us?  Why are we so afraid to let our light shine in the darkness?  Why do we hide?  Why do we run away?

Oh trust me, I do this way too often.  I run and hide, I bury my light under a bushel basket.  I am afraid to let people know how much deeply I am in love with Jesus Christ.  I fear the finger pointing and the laughter that comes with writing this blog. I am scared what people will say if they really know the gifts God has given me.   Bold?  Me?  No!  Unfortunately I don't want to seem bold.  Why?  Because there is a fine line between being bold and being cocky.  I never want to seem cocky or full of myself, so instead of being bold, I run and hide.  Am I the only one?

Then there are those who are way too bold and never know when to shut up.  Boldness is not just about speaking your mind with your mouth.  To me being bold for Christ means loving the unlovable, giving hope to the hopeless and showing the love of Jesus Christ to everyone I meet.  It's about stopping your car in traffic, even though you know some people may get angry, to give a few dollars to the homeless man on the street corner.  It's about saying a prayer for that person who just cut you off in traffic.  It's about picking up someone who has just fallen.  It's about giving the coat off your back to someone who has no coat.  

Being bold for Christ is not just about speaking His word to people, it's about showing His love to people.  Words are empty unless you put  action behind your words.  Being bold is pointless if you're not living the way Christ lived.  Jesus was bold.  He stopped when others told Him to keep moving.  He touched when others told Him not too.  He listened when others wanted Him to talk. He helped those that others wouldn't give the time of day to.  To be bold for Christ is to live as He lived.  Are your ready?  Listen bold is an action word, so step up and step out.  I plan to! 

Lord please instill in me the bold quality you desire for me to have.  Please let my actions and my words be bold for you and through you, in Jesus name I pray, amen.   

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