Okay this may sound a little extreme and absurd to some of you. The idea of being "bought" brings up very wrong ideas. To say I have been "bought" may make some of you cringe. Or maybe you will close this out and stop reading it because the idea of being "bought" is something you may never think about. Back in the old days slaves were bought by masters, many things can be bought for a price. So the word "bought" brings up many different feelings, emotions and realizations. It makes us put a price in something or someone. And quite frankly putting a price tag on a person just seems wrong.
Be patient with me as I try to get through this because quite frankly, we need to wake up to the reality that we are bought with a price. That's right, we do not belong to ourselves. No matter how determined we are to handle our own selves, our bodies, our plan, our mission, our purpose, we are not our own. Don't like hearing that? Disagree with me? Go ahead! Make my day!!
Listen I am sorry to offend anyone, but our bodies are not ours! If you don't believe in God, you may have a hard time understanding this, but for me it is easy! You see I grew up in a religion that told me that God's presence lived in the tabernacle of the church. Church was a place to be quite and respectful. It was not a place to carry on conversations or laugh or God forbid, clap your hands. That church building was holy ground and not a place to mistreat.
What I learned was so wrong! The church building is not a holy place where God's presence dwells. My body is a holy place where God's presence dwells.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies
My body, soul and spirit have been purchased through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was tortured and died a hideous, criminals death on a cross. Not because He was guilty of anything, but because He was innocent. He did that for you and I, so that our sins could be forgiven and we could become temples of the Holy Spirit, who is God. God's presence lives inside of me! His very nature, His very spirit, His very presence lives inside of me! Do you get that? I pray you do.
You see this body I have was hand crafted by God Himself. He created this body and me for a purpose, His purpose, not mine. He gave me this personality with all my little quirks and insecurities. He gave me His spirit to live in this body of mine and all He asks of me is to obey Him and to take care of this body. I know you probably think I am strange, and I am! I am Debra Barron, bought and paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ.
I am not my own! I am responsible to God and God alone. I am tired of living a mediocre lifestyle. I am tired of living on the fence. My God allowed His One and Only Son to die a cruel death so that His Holy Spirit could dwell in this body. If He could do that for me, surely I could get up off my fence (and my lazy boy chair) and start living my life like I should. It's time I treat my body the way God wants me to. After all this body is His Holy Temple.
I have been bought with the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross. My sins have been washed away. My body is now His! My mind is now His! My soul belongs to Him! I am the Temple of God!! My life is not my own! My body is not my own!
Lord, I realize that I was bought with a price, help me to honor you with my body. Create in me a clean heart and purify my body with your blood. I am yours! My body, my soul and my spirit belong to you. I surrender all of me in Jesus name I pray, amen.