Monday, September 21, 2015


So what are your thoughts telling you?  How dumb you are?  How ugly you are?  How fat you are?  How angry you are?  How unlovable you are?  How selfish you are?  These are just a few of the thoughts that used to ring through my mind.  Thoughts about who I was always seemed to discourage me.  The words of the past kept coming to surface.  People who didn't like me, people who teased me, people who were trying to be funny, people who trying to get to me, their words stung me.  I allowed their words to define who I was.  NO LONGER!!!

Our thoughts can be dangerous or encouraging and uplifting.  I am sick and tired of dangerous, defeating thoughts that prey on my mind and beat me up.  I don't need a bully to bully me, I'm good at bullying myself.  I know for a fact that I am not alone in this arena.  I hear people constantly belittle themselves.  "I'm nothing"  "I'm a nobody"  "I'm stupid"  I could go on and on about the things our mind tells us and we actually verbalize it.  The sad thing is we actually believe the things we tell ourselves and the things others tell us.  

Our thoughts are the foundation for our victory in life or our defeat.  I for one want my life to be victorious, I am tired of feeling defeated and allowing these thoughts to dictate my life and my mood. Where the mind goes the man will follow, so if we keep having stinkin thinkin, our life will basically stink.  For many years mine did and it was all those thoughts I allowed to rattle around in this mind of mine.  Defeated and depressing thoughts overwhelmed me and drug me down into a pit.  It made me a person who wasn't always fun to be around.   I took things personally and I allowed my thoughts and the thoughts and words of others to define me. 

Yes, others people's words hurt us, our thoughts hurt us, but if we truly believe in Jesus Christ then we can renew our mind and have confidence in who we are through Him.  Renewing our mind is a process that can change how we feel about ourselves and God.  When we grasp the truth of God's word, not just read it but fully grab a hold of His truths, our mind will slowly but surely begin to be renewed.  

Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 

I do not believe that God's will for us is to walk around depressed and defeated.  So many christians believe that is being humble.  No that is having wrong thoughts.  Those kind of thoughts are the ones Satan loves for us to have.  If we live depressed and defeated, he knows we can't do much to promote the kingdom of God.  If we walk around with a "woe is me" mentality with our head hanging down and our eyes always full of tears, what kind of a testimony is that?

I know a gentleman who within a few years, battled cancer, lost a son, lost a grandson and the son's favorite dog and just discovered he was battling cancer a second time,  He came into our office 2 weeks after his grandson died.  This man had a smile on his face and his eyes displayed the love of God.  How could he be smiling through all of this?  He had his mind renewed.  He knew that with Christ by his side, he could get through anything, even this.  

Renewing our minds is not an easy process, in fact it can be quite painful.  To have to admit that we have allowed these defeating thoughts to overwhelm us is not easy.  To allow the Holy Spirit to burn off those thoughts that do not match up to what God says about us in the Bible is hard.  To look in the mirror and allow God to change the vision we have of ourselves, is risky.  But oh, the rewarding way we will begin to feel is so worth it.

So today, look up what God says about you in His Word.  Write it down and look at it every single time you begin to feel defeated.

May the truth of who God says you are, sink down into your soul and renew your mind.  May you realize how loved you are by God.  May your mind be renewed by His love, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

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