Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Okay some of you know that I went to St. Louis for the Joyce Meyer Women's Conference  Few weeks ago.  Well let me tell you, every time I go, before I leave and after I get back, I get attacked by the devil.  Now before you start squawking, I'm not talking literally.  I mean I get bombarded with things to do, things to plan or sometimes he hits me right between the eyes with my feelings which tends to overwhelm me.
Well this time he didn't deal with my feelings, he hit me with thing to do.  Mind you none of these things were that important, but he made them seem important.  He tempted me with a "got to get this done" mentality that took me away from my plans.  I had plans of starting to do this blog 5 days a week again.  I had plans of diving into reading a few books.  I had plans of making up my own little war room.  I had great plans, but I allowed him to interrupt them.
I have been in a battle and I have been losing because of my own stupidity.  I allowed it, I didn't fight it.  Of course I should know that this would happen and plan for it, but I didn't.  My plans were pushed to the way side as other things took over.  How could I allow this to happen?  The sort of funny thing is that I knew this was coming and I could have prevented it.  
The devil fills our minds with so many lies, I think we just get used to them.  We ignore them and file them away in some remote part of our brain, hoping they never resurface again.  He will use situations and people to push us and tempt us away from the mission God has for us.  He can be sly as a fox or slithery as a snake.  He can also seem charming, hence forth the reason for this blog.  I can identify him when he is being devious and sneaky, but when he is charming and cunning, I don't often recognize him.   
1 Peter 5:7-8  casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.  Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour
I heard his lies and I allowed him to distract me.  He has lied to me my entire life, while God has always told me the truth, no matter how painful the truth is to hear.  Everyone is going through something.  Everyone is dealing with something that makes us nervous, scared and even depressed.  BUT GOD!  Repeat after me, BUT GOD!  No matter what lies you have heard from the devil, BUT GOD steps in a saves the day.
 Listen I learn something very important after one of these battles, how to fight.  Our words can be very important during a battle and if we don't chose wisely, we can be beaten up and devoured.  Our feelings can overwhelm us and lead us down the wrong path if our eyes are not on God. 
Listen Jesus has already defeated the devil, so why are we cowering and hiding.  We need to take up our shield of faith, arm ourselves with the sword of the spirit, put on the helmet of salvation, the shoes of peace and the breastplate of righteousness.  When we arm ourselves for battle the way Jesus taught us, we cannot lose because He has already won!  
Lord, only because of what you have done for me can I ever say this, Devil, you are not welcome here any more!  Don't even try to mess with me, I am a child of God! That's right, I'm God's kid and He has my back.  So just shut up!  I am the righteousness of God in Christ.  Adopted, appointed and anointed I am a masterpiece in the hands of the God.  Because of Jesus Christ, you have already lost the battle so get out of here, in Jesus name!

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...