It's the start of a new day. Yesterday is done and over with. We cannot change anything that happened yesterday, we cannot go back and undo what was done or said. It's over! It's finished! Any regrets we have, we have to deal with. Any mistakes we made, we have to learn from. Although yesterday may not seem that very far away, it is. We can never go there again.. All those plans and ideas we had are gone. The appointments and the schedule that was never completed, has been permanently deleted, never to be seen again.
We can relive yesterday in our mind, but that will never change the events that happened. We can check yesterday off our to do list. We can't go back and we can't change the past. So many of us live in the past. Dwelling on things that happened and things that didn't happen. We sit and ponder every little mistake, every little sin, and every misspoken word. Why? We can't press the undo button like we can on our computers. We can't press delete and start yesterday all over again, yet we wish we could, don't we?
Oh I know fully well if I could go back in time I would change so many things I did, so many things I said. "If I knew then, what I know now, things would have been different." How many of us have said this line over and over and over again? I know I have. I would have been a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter. There are times I dwell in that thought wishing I could change yesterday. Do you?
The past, yesterday, is something I need to just grab a hold of the good and learn from the bad. I will never forget yesterday, but I don't need to live there in the past. So many of us do and that saddens me. The thing about yesterday is that it was filled with so many life lessons. If we honestly look at the past, admit our mistakes and learn from them, then yesterday was not as bad as it seems. If only we could wave a magic wand and make our past sins disappear.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
We can't make our sins disappear, but Jesus can. In fact He does that for me everyday. Every morning a wake up a new creation. Yesterday's sins have been wiped away by the blood Jesus shed on the cross for me, and for you. We cannot change what was done or said, but Jesus wipes the slate clean. We sit and dwell on yesterday's failings, but Jesus doesn't. He doesn't see our yesterday. He sees the possibilities that today brings.
As a believer we need to learn from yesterday, not live there. As a believer we are challenged to let go of the past and let Jesus be our future. We need to grab a hold of today with the knowledge we have from yesterday and change our destiny through Jesus Christ.
Listen when I stop and think about it, my past, my yesterday taught me so much more than I ever imagined. So many sins I have learned from. So many mistakes that chiseled away at my heart of stone. So many yesterdays changed me because I allowed Jesus Christ to teach me what I needed to learn from my past. It wasn't always easy or pretty but the rewards from learning from yesterday made me a better person. Admitting and learning and allowing are the key points to take away from my yesterday.
I am a new creation because of Jesus Christ. The past is gone. The slate has been wiped clean. My debt paid in full.
Lord, help us to stop living in the past. Help to learn to remove the guilt and pain of the past and learn from it. Create us new each day and help us give you our yesterdays in Jesus name I pray, amen.