If you don't realize it let me be the first to tell you that we are in for a battle. As I listen to all the nonsense that is going on in this world, my heart breaks. I could write a list a mile long about the things going on in this world and that wouldn't cover everything. I could listen to the news for hours and sink into a state of depression and despair. I could write on Facebook or Google+ about how devastated I am and I could whine and cry and scream and shout, but that doesn't change what's happening.
There is an enemy in this world we are all facing. We know him all too well, Satan. He is alive and well on planet Earth. I have seen his tactics plastered across the 6:00 TV News. I have heard his proclamations on the radio through some of the music people listen to. I have read his bull in the books that line the shelves of libraries. I have listened to his lies spoken out the mouths of human beings.
The feelings of guilt and shame have overcome our sense of truth. The feelings of anger and revenge have taken over our sense of right and wrong. The feeling of entitlement and always wanting more, has devoured our sense of contentment. Feelings, are powerful if we let them take over our lives and our hearts. Even us believers have allowed our feelings to cloud our judgement and our sense of right and wrong. We have raised our fists in anger and cried out to God for justice but how can God hear us if we are so wrapped up in ourselves and what we want that we do not submit our lives and our hearts to God.
There is only one way to fully arm ourselves for this battle we are facing in the world and quite frankly in our own homes and lives. We must submit ourselves to God. That's right, surrender!! Wave the white flag! Raise your hands up high in air! Give it up! Let it go! Without surrendering, without submitting to God first there is no way we can ever be prepared to fight the battle we are all facing.
James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
You see Satan is afraid of God and when we fully surrender to God by giving up control of our lives then and only then will we ever be able to battle him. We cannot do it without fully submitting to God. We cannot stand united if we are not united with God first. We cannot battle without God!
Oh I hear you, "I have submitted to God". Well let me ask you some painful questions; what shows do you watch on TV? What do the lyrics of the songs you listen to say? What do the books you read talk about? When was the last time you read your Bible? When was the last time you really took time to pray? When was the last time one of your friends got mad at you because you wouldn't get drunk with them? When was the last time you sat with your kids and just listened to them without any distractions? When was the last time you prayed for God to change you?
I know, ouch!! I too have dealt with these questions and to be honest, my answers are not what they should be. I wish I could say I have surrendered 100% but I can't. Not yet. But I am going to do all I can to change that. I want to be able to resist Satan 100% but I cannot do that effectively until I totally surrender.
I want to know God more. I want to pray like a mighty warrior. I want to live for God's will. I want to put in my mind only those things that draw me closer to God. I want to give Him my mouth to speak His words, not mine. I want to touch hearts and lives like Jesus did. I want to hear His words echo through my mind and come out my mouth. I want to surrender 100% of myself to Him today. Will you join me?
Lord, I surrender. All that I am and all that I have is yours. Speak through me. Touch people through me. Take what is not of you and remove it from my life. Empty me of myself and fill me with your presence. Let everything I say and do give glory to you, in Jesus name I pray, amen!