Philippians 1:21 (NIV) For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain
(The Message) Alive, I'm Christ's messenger; dead, I'm His bounty. Life verses even more life! I can't lose.
I sit here and stare at this verse and I am in awe. For me to live is Christ seems like such a powerful yet unrealistic goal, but when I read the verse in The Message version I get it. Although it's still not an easy thing to grasp yet because I am alive, because I believe in Jesus Christ, because I have received Him as my Savior and my Lord, I am His messenger here on this Earth. As long as I am alive I have a job to do for Him. Wherever I go, whatever I do, whoever I meet.....I am a witness for Him. I am a living, breathing example of Jesus Christ here on this Earth. When people see me, they should see Him. When people hear me, they should hear Him. To live is Christ is a difficult task, especially in these trying times, but it is something I must do, it is something I want to do. Okay let me be honest, it is something I should do.
I say should because I really want to live is Christ, I really want to be Christ's messenger here on Earth, but if I am honest, I'm not always a good example of Jesus. I fail, I screw up, I fall short, I sin. It's not always comfortable to live is Christ. It's not easy to live as Christ's messenger. If I live that way that means I need to forgive those who have hurt me and don't deserve my forgiveness. If I live that way I may have to step out of my comfort zone and step into someone else's mess. If I live that way I may have to stop and give my last $5.00 to that homeless man standing on the street corner. If I live that way I may have to learn to shut my mouth and keep my opinions to myself. Let me be honest I don't always want to be Christ's messenger. I want to complain and whine and moan and groan. I want to keep that unforgiveness in my heart for hours or days or weeks or months or years. I want to keep that $5.00 in case I need a Starbucks coffee. I don't always want to keep my mouth shut. I want to be me and not Christ. Being Christ's messenger in a lost and broken world is not easy.
But oh the reward is so amazing!!!!! To see the look in another persons eyes is so worth the minor discomfort or uneasiness. I remember one time I was standing in line at a Verizon store, yes the line was long. I finally got to the counter when I overheard a mother and daughter talking about getting back to the hospital ASAP. The ladies husband had a heart attack and the daughter was trying to help her mom get their phone straightened out. The person helping them was doing their best to hurry to help them. As I was ready to leave, I heard a whisper from God, "Just tell them you're praying for them." I actually argued with God, "But I don't know them? I don't want to interrupt them in the middle of their talking?" I clearly heard, "Just do it. Trust me." So I did. It was so uncomfortable for me to do this but I did. The look in their eyes was priceless. Their eyes filled with tears and heard "Thank you." from them and from God.
It was at that very moment I realized that I had a choice. I could have walked out of that store without saying anything or I could have let them know that someone out there cared for the, a stranger, me. But also I understood that I was talking to them for God. I was a messenger and I chose to step out of my comfort zone and be a messenger to a hurting pair of women. I walked back to my car and cried. I thanked God for giving me the wisdom and the courage to just do what He needed me to do.
When Paul wrote those words he was in prison. He knew he could die any day. He was tortured and beaten but he stayed happy and committed to being a messenger for Christ in that prison cell. Even at his lowest moments he praised God and lived as Christ. Because of that many of the guards and fellow inmates become believers in Jesus Christ. In the midst of the darkest moments of his life, Paul never stopped singing praises to God. He proclaimed Jesus Christ to everyone. He lived as Christ. He was Christ's messenger here on Earth. He never made any excuses and he never apologized for being a believer. He spoke with the heart of Christ and lived his life for Christ.
He knew that when he was alive, Jesus was with him through the power of the Holy Spirit, but he also knew that when he died, He would be in eternity with Jesus Christ. So when he said "to die is gain" that meant that he knew no matter what that his eternity was sealed. So whether he was alive or dead, he was going to be fine. He couldn't lose either way. Whether on Earth or in heaven, Paul was faithful. His faith was in Jesus Christ. He would do what he could on this Earth to be Christ's messenger and he looked forward to dying to be face to face with Jesus Christ.
What prison cells are keeping you from being Christ's messenger on Earth? Fear? Unforgiveness? Let it go! Begin to live as Christ on this Earth, Lord knows we need more love on this Earth.