Monday, January 18, 2016


Ephesians 1:11 In Him we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

What plans are you making for today?  This week?  This month?  This year?  There are some people who are avid planners.  They have their schedule on their phones, on their computers and written down, just in case.  They make plans, they plan out their life and have it all scheduled out.  They can spend hours a day just planning the day ahead.  Know anyone like that?  Are you a planner?  

Me personally I am not much of a planner, ask my daughters or Jerry.  They can get so frustrated with me because I do last minute planning.  That's just the way I am, that's why God gave me Jerry, he's a planner.  Thank God he is!   Planning is not one of my strong suits.  It always seems that when I make plans for something in the distant future, someone throws a monkey wrench in my plans and messes everything up.  Plans, goals just confuse me and aggravate me.  You see it has always seemed to me that my plans just didn't work out the way I had planned, so why bother?  I am after all a "fly by the seat of my pants" type girl.  

The funny thing is that in reading the Bible I have discovered that I am not all that wrong.  You see, I figure it this way, God's plans are so much better than mine.  It always figures that when I try to make plans, God whispers to me, "Go ahead and make your plans, but trust me My plans are much better than yours.  So just forget about it and let me have my way.  You know I will anyway."  You see God has a will and a plan for my life and it isn't what I thought it would be.  

I never once imagined living where I live, an hour away from my children and grandchildren. I never once imagined ever leaving the Catholic church that I grew up in.  My parents scrimped and saved every penny to send me to private school, I even went to an all girls catholic high school.  I never imagined that I would sit in a church that sang with microphones and played guitars with amplifiers and a drum set.  I never imagined that Jerry and I would own the Insurance Agency he worked at for 20 some years.  I never planed to live on a lake and own a pontoon boat.  I never imagined that I would write anything anyone would read, especially a blog.  

My plans were simple.  A home, a church, a comfort zone I would never leave.  Surrounded by my family I would live my life for my husband and children.  Simple plan, right?  Well God turned my life upside down in the best way possible.  I allowed myself to focus on His plans and His will for my life.  I took my eyes off my plans and instead of God being my co-pilot, He became my pilot!    He took control of the steering wheel of my life.  His flight plan for me has been set.  I will be honest, it has been rather scary to give up control and trust in a God I cannot see visibly, but the reward has been extreme.

You see God's plans for me are much better and far greater than my plans are.  His ways are far greater than my ways.  He has done things for me that blow my mind.  He has changed me from the inside and blessed me for being obedient to His plans and will for my life.  He has humbled me and shown me the narrow path on which He guides me is far more rewarding than anything I could have every dreamed of planning.  I'm not just talking monetarily.  I am talking about having a deep peace, health, friendship and love.  People you cannot put a price tag on those things.  Plus I have the promise of eternity in Heaven sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ.  Those plans have been set in stone!  

Trust me please when I tell you that by allowing yourself to follow God's plan and God's will for your life, you will never be disappointed.    Give your life to Jesus Christ today and get ready for the ride of your life.

Lord, today I choose your plans for my life.  I choose your will for my life.  Transform me, change me and mold me.  Lead me down the narrow path.  I trust in you, I believe in you, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...