Wednesday, January 6, 2016


What or who are you chasing after?  Your dream?  Wealth?  Happiness?  Health?  Love?  Peace?  Patience?  A spouse?  Beauty?  The list could go on and on and on, couldn't it?  So let me ask you this again, what or who are you chasing after?   Think about it for a moment because this question will truly determine where your heart lies.  What we chase is what is most important in our lives.  What we spend our time doing or watching or thinking about or reading about tells the truth about what we spend our lives chasing after.  

As the sun begins to set on another day I find myself contemplating this very question.  What or who did I chase after today?   Unfortunately I did not chase after who I wanted to chase after because I fell into the trap of rearranging my bedroom.  You see we are in the process of selling our lake home so in trying to make our home more beautiful, I had to rearrange things a bit.  My mind was consumed with what I should put where and what should I take out and store in the garage.  Every ounce of my physical being was pushing around furniture that is way too heavy for me to move, but I did it.   So as of yet my focus of my chase was not what I truthfully want to tell you it was. 

I am frustrated with myself because I sometimes feel I am chasing after the wrong things and the wrong people .  Let me explain.  I chase after other people's attention by lowering my standards.  Last week I met some friends and ended up spending hours gossiping about others.   Really???  I know better, or at least I thought I did.  I fell into that stupid trap that the enemy laid out for me.  Why?  Because I spent too much time chasing the wrong people and the wrong things.   I also fall into the stupid trap of getting comfy and cozy in my lazy boy chair and turn on even stupider movies or shows that require no IQ to watch.  

Why do I do this?  Over and over and over again this happens and it all stems from me chasing after the wrong things and the wrong people.  When will I ever learn?  Do you ask yourself this question or am I the only one?   What or who are you chasing after?  If Jesus came back today, what would you be doing with your time?  What or who would you be chasing after? 

John 12:19  Then the Pharisees said to each other, "There's nothing we can do.  Look everyone has gone after him!"

When I read this verse I felt like God hit me over the head with a 2 x 4.  I do't know about you, but I want to be like the believers that the Pharisees are talking about.  I want to chase after Jesus like they did.  Jesus had just entered the city on a donkey and all the believers chased after Him.  I am sure they had chores to finish and crops to tend too.  Sheep had to be corralled and  cows milked, yet they dropped everything and  chased after Jesus.  WOW!!!

Nothing and no one is more important than chasing after Jesus.  I want to be like these people.   Would I drop everything if Jesus came into my neighborhood?  I would hope so.  The "I have more important things to do" attitude would disappear.   Think about it for a moment, why is any TV show more important than spending time with Jesus Christ?  Listen God does not expect us to quit our jobs and leave our home a mess in order to chase after Jesus, there has to be balance.  But if we are honest with ourselves, we waste too much time on stupid stuff.

Okay I'll admit it, I waste too much time on stupid stuff.  If I'm spending a certain amount of time getting ready every morning and only spend 5 minutes chasing after Jesus, that is a little out of balance, don't you think?   How many hours a day do you sit and watch or listen to the news and yet to read the Bible for 5 minutes is a challenge?

Okay listen to me (and trust me I am talking to myself also,)  The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Savior of the World, Son of God is chasing after you!   He longs for a relationship with you!  He wants to tell you the stories of His amazing love.  Do you have time for that?  Or would you rather be like the pathetically jealous Pharisees who chased after Jesus only to destroy Him?  God is waiting for you!  

Lord, forgive me for all the wasted time I have spent chasing after the wrong things and the wrong people.  Today I will chase after you and throw myself at your feet.  Renew your steadfast Spirit within me, in Jesus name I pray, amen  

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  I know it's been a few weeks since I graced you with my blog...sorry my mind has been elsewhere and my heart just hasn't been in i...