Awe nuts!! The squirrels at my daughters house in Toledo are crazy. They feed them nuts right out of their hands. At a certain time every day the squirrels run down the tree and either stand by the front door or the perch themselves in a small tree that looks right into their home. They chatter and chatter and chatter until someone gives them some peanuts. It's actually quite entertaining, especially for their little yorkie names Molly. The funny thing to me is that these wild animals have been trained to expect the peanuts. They know that inside that house somebody loves them enough to give them special treats. They have a confidence and faith that my daughter and her family will supply their needs.
These squirrels do nothing to earn these nuts, except maybe look cute and adorable, they have not earned them by working or doing anything nice for my daughters family. If this family of mine can take care of these squirrels the way they do, why do we doubt that God will take care of us? Why do we question what God is doing, or not doing in this world? Why do we worry about our present circumstance? Why do we even begin to speculate whether there is a God or not?
We doubt, we fear, we question, we worry...why? Does any of our doubts, fears, questions or worries do us any good? What good does it do to live life this way? It destroys our health and causes us so much stress. We can be so overwhelmed and consumed by these things that we fail to live the life we have been given. These emotions age us not only internally but externally. I have seen the worry lines on peoples faces, I've heard the despair and doubt, I've listened to the fear. It's heart wrenching. The enemy wants us to continue to live this way. He wants us overwhelmed and consumed by worry and dread. He is happy when we live in fear and doubt.
Listen I am not going sit here on my high horse and say I have never dealt with these emotions. I have. I battle with these emotions on a daily basis. I am not going to ever question anyone's faith in God because I have not walked in your shoes. BUT GOD...He has a plan to work all things out for our good. No matter what your circumstances are right now...BUT GOD! No matter how devastating it may look right now...BUT GOD!
When I find myself worrying or doubting or being afraid, I turn to God not my emotions. I allow Him to speak to me, I allow Him to point me in the right direction and I trust that He will work it all out for my good. It may not be the way I wanted it to be or what I expected, BUT GOD knows me better than I know myself. He is my best friend and He has never let me down. He has always taken care of me in ways I never dreamed possible.
I Surrender!!! I have never done anything to earn His grace and mercy. I have never done anything to earn His love. It is given freely to all who believe in His Only Son, Jesus Christ. So today I am challenging all of us to surrender all our cares and worries, doubts and fears to God. Right now! Surrender!