Thursday, November 15, 2018


I stare at these roses and it takes me back to Arizona, back to my mom's home, back to where the sun shines every day and the weather is warmer than it is here.  These roses are beautiful.  I took this picture the first of November.  This picture proves a very powerful point for me; that even those every plant here in Michigan is going into hibernation mode, even though my flowers look dead and every tree is losing it's leaves, somewhere else in the world there are places where the flowers are just starting to blossom and trees still have their leaves.  In other words for me today, right now in this moment....there is hope!

It's been a rough week for me personally.  A family member is going through some health issues and my momma bear heart is wondering why?  The helplessness can be overwhelming, I'm not a doctor or a nurse, I'm just a mom who wants here kids to all be happy and healthy.  When some illness throws a monkey wrench in my plans, it hearts my heart.  I don't want to see anyone in pain, especially not one of my loved ones.  As days drag on and no answers are found my mind begins to feel doubt creeping in like a thick fog.   My heart begins to ache and tears run down my face as the question keeps spinning in my mind...why????

My ladies prayer group this week was interrupted by 2 phone calls and a series of texts, "I'm in the ER."  My heart sank, my head fell to the table and tears poured out my eyes.  "There's still pain, no relief, nothing's better."  Instantly my prayer warrior friends surrounded me with prayers and support that was so comforting.  Even though I was prayed over and have been continuously prayed over during this time, I was still filled with doubt and fear.  What if? Why? My heart raced to the hospital before I could get there physically.  Doubt and fear, hopelessness and helplessness, frustration and yes even a little anger are just a few of the emotions I have been trying to deal with.

Then I heard a still, small voice whisper..."I've got this.  Everything will be fine.  Trust in me.  Rely on me."  Seriously?  I write this as a believer in the God who created the universe by speaking it into existence.  God, my heavenly daddy is all powerful, everlasting King of kings and Lord of lords.  He parted the Red Sea, He calms the storms, He moves mountains and raises the dead to life.  My question then begins to take a different turn...Why am I filled with doubt and fear???  My God is an awesome God!!!  There is no reason for me to doubt or fear.  It is in my human, sinful nature, but I cling to this truth today....The same God who raised Jesus from the grave, lives inside of me through His Holy Spirit.  The power of God is with me and lives in me.  I'm okay!  I don't need t doubt or worry or fear.  He's got the whole world in His hands and that includes me and you.

Matthew 14:31  Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.  "You of little faith," He said, "why did you doubt?"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, woe, we do, do that do we not? At least me too. I see this truth, as it has and does happen to me too.
    I take it Mom is well, after this episode of troubles in not wanting troubles like these. As I know death, in my experiences, have tried and done in my life.
    As I have said many a times, death is not capable, except God said it is, and is through Son his Son the one that reconciled us all in his one time death for all.
    Just not in the flesh and blood body, we all are first born in. That has to die before new life can be revealed.
    What? Die, to be alive, how? \
    Reckon thyself dead to sin, in order to see the new life in belief given thee.
    What, I am touch, feel, see me in a mirror, how can one be dead to see new life here?

    Reckon does not mean one is dead, it means reckon think, as if you are dead to Sin, actually unbelief dead to it.
    My Brother went through this a little while back, older Brother, he told me after it was over, he was willing to die. He said this is where he saw new life.
    He is well now still, here on earth, as my other sis and other brother are not, yet to me are.
    AS Jesus said himself unless one is willing to die, one shall not see new life.
    I am so elated Sis, Mom and you are in belief to see. I understand what those, these emotions do to us in thought of.

    Learning to stand in the praise and worship band, Thanking Father for salvation given us by Son that is risen by him as proof, Son is the way, te truth and new life in his risen Life given us to be new in, by him and not us



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