I sit here today confused and bewildered by some people in today's society. They love the easy life with no complications. They want to earn a big wage with little work, they want to get all the rewards without going through any trials or tests. So often this branch of society has been called the entitled lifestyle. They want things to go the way they want it and if that doesn't happen they throw a temper tantrum. Life should be fair, life should be easy, life should be carefree. Seriously? Get real!
"What do you mean I can't keep my cell phone at my desk?" "Why can't I use company time to get on the internet and check Facebook ?" "What do you mean I don't get a raise? I've been here for 3 months?" Listen I could go on and on about the things I've heard over the course of the last few years and it's ridiculous. I apologize if this offends any of you, wait let me take that back. If this offends you I'm gonna challenge you to get real and get over yourself.
In life there will be challenges and trials and times of testing. There will be times you have to work your butt off for a morsel of food. There may be times you have to shovel horse poo to put food on the table. There may be a time when you can't afford the newest electronic gadget. Will you survive? Will you endure? Will you learn? Will you do whatever it takes? Are you willing to go the distance it takes to run this race called life?
I am entitled to nothing. You are entitled to nothing! I can't earn a wage without putting in the work required of me. You can't earn a wage without putting in the work required of you. Life is hard and full of challenges and tests. Whether we endure and pass the challenges and tests will depend on us. We won't be able to blame our parents, our family or our friends if we don't pass, the results will be on our shoulders. To be honest, I mean really honest, we can't blame God either. I know that is some people's go to. If I fail then it's Gods fault. Wrong!
Does God allow us to be tested? Yes He does. Why? How else can we learn and grow? If everything in life is easy, the we don't need to rely on God. If everything was simple we'd remain the same dumb, entitled children expecting everything to fall in our laps. We wouldn't have to work for anything and we would never grow up. But also we would never be blessed by God. You see you receive blessings if you're not willing to endure testing with patience.
James 1:12 NLT "God blesses those who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
So many of want Gods blessings without having to do any work. We would be so happy to,have God open up the floodgates of heaven without ever having to endure any testing. I used to think that way until I watched what my youngest daughter had to go through when she was burned. It was during one of the hardest times in my life that God refined me and blessed me. Although I don't like being tested, I know it's for my good. I have learned so much about God and myself during these tests. Without these tests I wouldn't be who I am today. So I'm challenging you to embrace the tests, endure them with patience and allow God to bless you.