Roots!!! Last year when we bought this house there were 2 trees with that roots that were literally tearing up our sidewalks. The roots of these trees were not deep roots, they were shallow. They did more damage than good. We not only had to cut down the trees and remove the roots, we had to also tear up the sidewalk to repair the damage these shallow roots had done. Roots are good when they go deep. It is only when roots are going deep that true nourishment can happen. I've seen the damage first hand that shallow roots do. They can't handle the deep so they live on the surface in fear of what lies in the deep. Going deeper may mean change, it may mean facing the truth.
Isn't our lives like that? Come on now be honest! I know for me I fear going deeper with God because than I may have to face the truth about myself. It's much easier to read God's Word and study it rather than live it out. I think sometimes we can get lost in studying, reading and even memorizing without ever even trying to live what we read.
Think about it! How many times do we sit in church, listen to a message and think, "I wish he (or she) was here to listen to this!" Or maybe we read a book about change and we think about someone who needs to read this book. It's always easier for us to look at others and see where they need to change and grow. We don't want to admit that it is us who needed to hear that message or read that book.
Reading, studying and learning are a lot easier than living it out! If we truly are disciples of Jesus Christ we need to start living out what we learn. Way too often we'e so busy pointing fingers that we don't notice the fingers pointing back at us. Way too often we have too much head knowledge and not enough doing. Way too often we talk the talk without walking the walk. "A little less talk and a lot more action."
Listen I can read my Bible, I can study my Bible, I can even memorize my Bible, but if I don't live it, it's empty knowledge that is not doing anyone any good, including me. In order for me to have deep roots, I need to live out what I read about. I need to change me. I need to look in the mirror and get really honest with myself and God. I need to apply what I read in the Bible to my own life. Let's be honest here...shallow roots are easy, they just skim the surface but when a strong storm comes, those shallow roots will not keep us standing. It is only through going deeper that we will be able to withstand the storms we may face.
Colossians 2:7 You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live Him You're deeply rooted in Him. You're well constructed upon Him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.