"I can only Imagine" These words ring so true to me right at this moment in my life. It seems impossible for me to even begin to try to comprehend the amazing things God has waiting for me in Heaven. I mean I love sunsets and sunrises, they take my breath away and overwhelm me with a sense of God's presence. If I could be honest here the sunshine, when it's at it's brightest, overwhelms me because I cannot stare at it. You see in the Bible it talks about us not being able, with our earthly eyes, to look at God because the light that shines from His presence is so bright. I imagine that when I'm standing in the sun I'm in the very presence of God and His love is surrounding me, His light shining on my face, the warmth of His love overwhelming me to tears.
I know for some of you this may seem a little far fetched and sort of crazy, but that's the stuff that rolls around in this brain of mine. I may not read my Bible as much as I should, I may not have scriptures memorized like I should, I may not sit and pray for long periods of time, but I do feel God's presence everywhere I go. I hear His still, small voice whisper to me. I cherish the many gifts He has given me, my husband, our children and our grandchildren are just a few of the great gifts He has given me. Yes, there have been trials and storms in my life, the road has not always been an easy road. Is anyone's life been a bed of roses? I choose to think about the blessings, the gifts, the opportunities God has given me. I do my best to learn from the storms and trials, I get frustrated when things don't go my way, there are times I feel utterly alone and empty, I am human. But as soon as I realize where my emotions are taking me I turn to nature, the world God made for me, and I see Him everywhere.
I don't know why certain movies awaken my spirit but the movie "I Can Only Imagine" sparked something in me. The song is a gift from God and the words ring so true to me. The words spark my imagination again and even though I've heard that song thousands of times before, seeing the story behind the song changes everything. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for?
1 Corinthians 2:9 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him"
"Surrounded by your glory, what will my feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine." Think about it for a moment. On the day you die, where will you spend eternity? For me there is only one answer....I want to stand before my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be surrounded by His glory for all eternity. I cannot even begin to fathom what it will be like to walk by His side and listen to His words. I can only imagine.
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