Harmony...Unity...Is it possible for us humans to live like this or is it a pipe dream? I would love to imagine a world where we all are able to live in harmony. I can dream can't I? It would be awesome, in fact it would be heaven on earth. Even for us believers it seems to be a pipe dream. There is so much selfishness, so much pride, so much greed, so much jealousy. It's actually very sad!
Doctrine divides us, man made rules and regulations separate us, opinions anger us and we ignore other believer's needs because of our ignorance. "They're not a member of my religion." "Their doctrine doesn't match mine so they can help themselves." I could go on and on about comments I have heard over the years and yes even said or thought.
We are supposed to be Jesus Christ's example here on earth. How can we be living examples of Christ's love if we can't even love fellow believers? We are supposed to help each other. How can we help non believers and turn our backs on fellow Christians? Listen I'm just asking questions because I'm wondering what yo'all think? Read these verses below and let's talk about it.
Acts 2:43-45 Everyone around was in awe-all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And ALL the believers lived in wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met.