James 3:9-10 With our tongue we praise the Lord and our Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's image. Out of the same mouth comes praising and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
As I sit down to write this blog, my heart fills with despair and sadness over the words spoken in anger and bitterness. So many of us do not stop to think before we speak which lands us in the lap of the enemy. Words cannot be taken back. Words spoken in haste, words spoken in a moment without and thought process can cause immense pain and suffering on those who those words are spoken too. The recipient of our words spoken is often an innocent bystander that simply receives the brunt of our anger. Sometimes these are the people we love the most. We become angry. We are offended. We are bitter. So we vent without thinking, we speak without thinking, and we destroy relationships because we allowed the enemy to speak through us.
We may think that the people we are speaking to deserve to hear the words we are speaking, they may have done wrong to us, they may have hurt us. And in reality, maybe they do deserve our words, but do they deserve the pain of the arrows we shoot out of our mouth? Do they truthfully deserve our venomous words? Do they honestly deserve the endless spew of anger out of our mouth? Think about it for a moment. Yea I may feel better in the moment, " I have to get these things off my
chest!" "I need to give them a piece of my mind!" Okay let me be honest, many of us, including me, cannot afford to give anyone a piece offer minds.
Listen, out of the heart, the mouth speaks. So what are your words saying about the condition of your heart? For way too many years I allowed my mind to speak with really thinking about what I was saying. I spoke my mind. But when God revealed to me that my words told the true condition of my heart, it made me sad. It also made me get honest with myself about what was really going on in my heart. I had to get real! I had to have a heart evaluation done! I had to let God reveal the pain I had hidden deep in my heart. Something I had forgotten about, something I had buried in my past that caused me to say things I knew were wrong. If I didn't deal with my past, if I wasn't honest, if I never looked at the condition of my heart and let God convict me, my words would have remained the same.I would have continued living offended, angry and filled with bitterness.
We have an enemy, his name is Satan. He wants our words to be filled with anger and bitterness. He wants us to live our life offended. He wants us to spam words that shoot an arrow through the heart of those we are speaking to. He wants us to spew words of poison. To give people a piece of our minds leaves him feeling victorious. If he can cause friction and pride and selfishness to divide us, he wins.
Do you really want to allow th enemy to win? Do you really want to allow him to use you to speak his words to others from your mouth? I don't. "Sometimes you just cannot control myself." BULL! We do not have to speak words that hurt others. We do not have to allow our anger to take over. We do not have to allow our bitterness to infect our words. And we do not have to allow our mouth to ramble on like a car without a break. We do not have to give anyone what they trulydeserve,whether they deserve it or not.
Listen if anyone deserves to spew venomous words and words that shoot throw the heart, it's God! He could bombard us with words of anger and bitterness towards us, but He doesn't. He could put us in our place and throw words at us like arrows, but He doesn't. He could be angry, bitter and offended because of the way we live, act and speak, yet He doesn't. No matter what we do, He loves us. No matter what we say to Him, He loves us. No matter how we treat Him, He loves us.
We are sinners! We screw up everyday! We make the same stupid mistakes over and over and over again. We are humans and God knows that. He knows our tongue has been used to curse others, while praising Him. Yet He is still willing to forgive, but we must realize our sins and ask Him to forgive us. We must allow Him to change our hearts and our words. We must listen when He tells us to be quiet!
Our words should bring life to others, as well as ourselves. Our words should be encouraging and loving. Our words should be filled with peace. Our words should bring healing.